Ms. Anne Moscinski, center, is presented with Letters of Affiliation, surrounded by her husband, Mike, and Br. Dennis Lee, Visitor
Albany, NY – For her more than 30 years of Lasallian service to the young men, and the staff of La Salle School for Boys, Ms. Anne Moscinski has received Letters of Affiliation to the Institute.
On June 6, 2018, in the Hanner Chapel and Center for Lasallian Education, on La Salle School’s campus, surrounded by family, friends, and colleagues, Br. Dennis Lee, Visitor of the District, representing the Institute, presented Anne with her Letters of Affiliation.
In the letters of recommendation for Anne’s affiliation, the Brothers of La Salle School cited her steadfast commitment to the mission and the young men of the school.
“Her commitment is unquestioned, as her care and diligence may see her day begin before 7:00 AM only to see her ready to leave after 7:30 PM when affairs of the day were complete. Anne takes a personal interest in each student in our care and the particular follow-up services needed to support them after they leave. She is totally
interested in Lasallian spirituality and supports all programs the Brothers have offered over the years.”
Brother James Martino, FSC, president of Ocean Tides, also a Lasallian Youth and Family Services program, cited Anne’s commitment to Lasallian spirituality and association as a key part of his recommendation.
“I joined the faculty at La Salle School following my noviciate experience in 1988. Anne was principal of the school, and even in those early days of Lasallian Association, was a great and living example of what we are all about as Lasallians and inspired myself and a faculty to truly see the face of God in the rags of those poor children. Her dedication to students and staff and relentless focus on making sure all received the care, guidance and support they needed is not only without question, but perhaps legendary among those associated with La Salle School.”
It was this care for not just the young men, but also the staff that inspired immediate past Executive Director, Mr. Bill Wolff, AFSC’s comments in his recommendation of Anne for affiliation.
“Anne has some form of liquid empathy running through her body that not only guides her interactions with everyone she meets, but also seems to nourish her and allow her to sustain her energy beyond normal limits. This goes beyond her presence at practically every imaginable La Salle event, where she is chipping in to make less work for everyone and a positive experience for all involved. She has a unique capacity, certainly a gift from God I think, which allows her to see in advance what others need and then be there, at just the right time, to help relieve their burden. Her commitment to our youth and families is obvious, but her true concern and compassion for staff is an amazing thing to observe. Over and over I have seen her coach and comfort members of the team here. She works, and works, and then works even more, to make their jobs more doable and their lives more complete. And she does all of this with little interest in drawing attention to herself.”
A life of Lasallian service to all in need in Albany and beyond, many blessings to one of the newest members of the Institute, Ms. Anne Moscinski, AFSC.