
Ms. Charlotte Kenrick teaching at Central Catholic.

Spanish Teacher &
Lasallian Animator
Central Catholic High School – Pittsburgh, PA

A teacher is not simply an instructor but also a person of dedication and sympathy who inspires students and fellow faculty alike. Charlotte Kenrick goes beyond the walls of Central Catholic High School to spread the Lasallian mission of faith and love.

According to Vincent Ciaramella, Assistant Principal of Academic Affairs, Charlotte has been at Central Catholic for nearly 13 years as a Spanish teacher and over the years has become more involved with the Lasallian community. She began by helping with retreats early in the school year and went on to coordinate the induction ceremonies and monthly formation programs for new teachers. She is also Central’s Lasallian Animator, helping students and teachers learn the Lasallian charism and spirituality, whether through putting out weekly Lasallian Reflections, leading cantor for school liturgies, or recognizing days of prayer, like when she recently took students out during the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe to a local cathedral for evening mass.

Ciaramella called her a highly qualified professional and an outstanding teacher, adding that she moderates the Spanish Club and is a fan of local football, especially the Steelers. “She gets along very well with her students,” he said. “She has a genuine concern for their learning and for their well-being beyond the classroom.” He also noted her humility in how she helps others without expecting recognition. “She’s not in it for the show or the publicity of it,” he said. “She’s doing because it’s the right thing to do.”

Brother Robert Schaefer, FSC, Principal of Central Catholic pointed out her involvement in service projects, including Latino outreach efforts in the surrounding Pittsburgh area. “She’s a very dedicated and passionate teacher who takes seriously her vocation to teach the students but also to touch their hearts,” he said. “She’s a wonderful example of faith and zeal. She’s the source of a lot of the spirit around Central Catholic.”