Formation Retreat in D.C.

Formation Retreat in D.C.

Formation Retreat in D.C.

The annual retreat for the directors of formation in the United States was held recently at De La Salle College, the Brothers’ House of Studies in Washington. The retreat was conducted by a New Yorker thoroughly familiar with the American experience, Brother Abban Philip (Assistant Superior General).

From the New York District came Brother Eliphus Victor (Visitor), Brother Joseph (Novicemaster), and Brother Amedy Bernard (Director of the Junior Novitiate).

Another New York District retreatant was the Director of De La Salle College (and host), Brother Cornelius Luke.

The Baltimore District was represented by its new Visitor, Brother Galdus Paul (Gartland) and by Brother Denis of Mary (Ruhland), Director of the Junior Novitiate.

Brothers from the St. Louis and the San Francisco Districts also attended.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Barrytown), December 1936, pp. 27-28.