Chicago and St. Louis to Split

The Brothers of the Chicago-Joliet area are scheduled to separate from the St. Louis District in September 1966 and to form their own district.

FSC, December 1963, p. 4.

ARCHIVIST’S NOTE:  This district became known as the Central States District, and later as the Chicago District.

St. Patrick’s First Closed Circuit TV

50NationalWPATThe first closed-circuit TV station in any Chicago high school belongs to St. Patrick’s HS—WPAT. Br. Louis supervised the installation of the equipment, and Mr. Paul Schneller’s oral English classes were the first lessons to be televised.

FSC, December 1963, p. 3.

Astronaut Scott Carpenter Receives Honorary Degree from St. Mary’s Moraga

Astronaut Scott Carpenter, who piloted his Aurora 7 spacecraft in a three-orbit flight in 1962, received an honorary degree from St. Mary’s College (Moraga, CA) on Jan.  29. During the 1940s, Carpenter received flight instruction there.

FSC, March 1964, p. 2.

30-Day Mourning for JFK Attended

Some of the student Brothers at De La Salle College (Washington) attended the service at the Lincoln Memorial which concluded the official 30-day period of mourning for the assassinated President Kennedy.

LINE Newsletter, January 1, 1964, p. 7.

Br. I. Philip Awarded Benemerenti Medal

50National-Bro-I-PhilipBr. I. Philip, former provincial of the St. Louis District, was presented the papal Benemerenti Medal by Bishop Edward A. Fitzgerald (Winona Diocese) on January 4.  In his 15 years as provincial (1948-1963), Br. Philip’s 16 schools, 390 Brothers, and 8,000 students mushroomed into 42 schools, 940 Brothers, and 26,000 students.

FSC, March 1964, p. 2; and also Lasallian Digest , Winter 1964, p. 65.

Christian Brothers College in Memphis received two pages of publicity in the January 1964 edition of the Institute Bulletin.

(pp. 42-43).

National statistics

  • Total Brothers in the world:  18,000
  • Total Brothers in the USA:  3,349, of whom 2,710 have vows.
  • FSC missionaries:  2,100 Brothers in 49 countries; NY District has
  • 25 Brother missionaries.
New York Newsletter, February 1, 1964, p. 4

San Francisco District to Open High School in Napa

The San Francisco District will soon open (and own) a new high school in Napa, CA, and will be built for 400 boys with ultimate expansion to 800.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, December 1963, p. 3.

ARCHIVIST’S NOTE: This school became known as Justin-Siena HS.

St. Louis Junior Novitiate Closure

The St. Louis District plans to close its Junior Novitiate in June 1965.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, January 1964, p. 1.