Eucharistic Congress in New Orleans


New Orleans hosted the worldwide Eucharistic Congress in October 1938. A photo and article regarding the congress was published in the January 1939 issue of the Institute Bulletin, and this publication featured a vocational display presented by De La Salle Normal School in Lafayette (LA).

Institute Bulletin, January 1939, pp. 68-70; on page 68, this source mistakenly printed “1937” instead of the correct year of 1938.

Br. Barnabas 10 Years

April 22 was the 10th anniversary of the death of Br. Barnabas, a nationally acclaimed authority on youth and founder of the Columbian Squires, the unit of the Knights of Columbus for Catholic high schoolers. A recent issue of the Columbian Squires Herald published a beautiful tribute to this action-minded Brother.

Messenger of the Divine Child, Commencement 1939, p. 71.

Oaklands Cadets Visit Ottawa

The cadets and band of De La Salle College (“Oaklands” in Toronto) visited Ottawa (national capital). On May 22 they helped to form a bodyguard at the Parliament buildings for the royal visit of their majesties, King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, on their historic royal visit to Canada.

Bulletin of the St. De La Salle Auxiliary (Aurora, ON), June 1939, p. 12.

St. John’s Boys Visit King & Queen

On May 22, 138 of the boys of St. John’s Industrial School (Toronto) were allowed to leave the property in groups of fours and fives (supervised only by one boy in each group) to see the King and Queen on Woodbine Avenue. According to the annals, “All returned. First time all the boys were allowed to out in this order & for such an occasion.”

Annals of the St. John’s Industrial School (Toronto/Uxbridge, ON), p. 176.