La Salle College Biology in Nat Geo

The June issue of the National Geographic (pp. 833-834) will deal with research being done in the Biology Department of La Salle College.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, March 1964, p. 5.

Brother’s Advice Helps Break Bottle


When the US Air Force christened two giant C-199 “Flying Boxcars” on March 11 at the airport in Napa, CA, one of the young ladies chosen to smash a wine bottle onto one of them took three mighty swings, but the bottle remained unbroken. At that, Br. Norbert, who had brought the vintage from the Brothers’ Napa Valley vineyard for the event, walked toward her and whispered a few words of advice. On the fourth swing, wine and glass sprayed in every direction.

FSC, June 1964, p. 1.

Rare Books at La Salle Pasadena

The donation of a vintage 1653 edition of The Life of Christ from alumnus Stephen Luder (1963) has officially begun the rare book collection at La Salle High School in Pasadena, CA. It was printed by the same man who printed the original King James version of the Bible.

FSC, March 1964, p. 4.

Oldest Brother? 90 years

The oldest Christian Brother in the US celebrated his 90th birthday at Mont La Salle Novitiate in Napa (CA) on November 7. He is Br. Ambert Frederick, who came to the US from his native France 60 years ago in the wake of the anti-religious laws there.

FSC, June 1964, p. 4.

New Science Building at Lewis


Lewis College (Lockport, IL, now Romeoville) expects its new science building to be open in September 1964, with an adjoining greenhouse.

FSC, June 1964, p. 1; Lewis College is now Lewis University.

Brother Receives Papal Medal

Br. Timothy Jerome, provincial of the San Francisco District, received the prestigious papal medal (Pro Ecclesiae et Pontifice) from the bishop of Oakland in January 1964.

FSC, June 1964, p. 4.

Memphis House Razed

The razing of the historic building which long housed Christian Brothers College in Memphis (612 Adams Ave.) began on February 6.

New York Newsletter, March 1, 1964, p. 4.