Sangre de Cristo Opens


Sangre de Cristo (the American Second Novitiate) opened on September 6 with Brother Cornelius Luke (former NY Visitor) as director. The first cohort for the 3-month retreat consisted in part of Brothers D. Francis Collins, E. Brendan Garwood, E. Edwin Curtin, and G. Francis (Baltimore); Brothers B. Gabriel and C. Joseph (New York); and Brothers B. Justin and Christopher of Mary (LI-NE).

FSC, September 1962, p. 1. Sangre de Cristo was dedicated on September 15 by Santa Fe Archbishop Edwin Byrne, who had been taught by the Brothers in a Philadelphia grade school. FSC, December 1962, p. 1

By the Numbers

Some statistics regarding the USA: The six American provinces (districts) comprise 146 Communities, 2,833 Brothers, and a student population of 77,516. Worldwide, the Institute consists of 69 provinces, 1,534 communities, 17,710 Brothers, and 653,466 students.

FSC, September 1962, p. 2.

St. Mary’s College Receives Lyndon Johnson


St. Mary’s College of California will celebrate its centennial in 1963. On October 4, 1962, Brother Timothy Michael was inaugurated as its 22nd president, and a highlight of the day was the honorary degree given to Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson.

Lasallian Digest, Fall 1962, pp. 72-76.