Second Novitiate in New Mexico Announced

Second Novitiate in New Mexico Announced

Second Novitiate in New Mexico Announced

Probably the biggest national news in summer 1962 was the anticipated opening of the new “Second Novitiate” in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of New Mexico.

Located twelve miles from Santa Fe, this modern facility (constructed in a southwestern style) will afford opportunities for Brothers to study the life and apostolate of ministry in modern-day America.

The period of study for each session will last generally for 100 days.

The site was chosen for its sunny climate, inspiring vistas, and seclusion. The new director is Bro. Cornelius Luke (New York District and former visitor general of USA), assisted by Bro. Charles Lawrence (former dean of the School of Arts and Sciences at Manhattan College).

ARCHIVIST’S NOTE: In the inset photos, Bro. Cornelius Luke is on the left, and Bro. Charles Lawrence is on the right.

FSC, June 1962, p. 1, and also September 1962, p. 1.

23rd Education Association Held


23rd Education Association Held

The 23rd annual Christian Brothers Education Association was held at St. Mary’s College in Winona (MN) during July 23-27.

FSC, September 1962, p. 3.

ARCHIVIST’S NOTE: Pictured in the top photo are the official delegates to the conference, while the bottom photo shows the Provincials and assistant provincials of the American districts who met at St. Mary’s during the same week. At the CBEA, Bro. Azarias Raphael, director of La Salle Military Academy in Oakdale, was elected president for the 1962-1963. The conference will meet at LSMA in summer 1963.

Long Island-New England District Newsletter, October 15, 1962, p. 5.

Novitiate in Winona Minnesota Opens…Last Year

The July 1962 issue of the Institute Bulletin reported on the opening—during the previous year—of the novitiate of the Winona (MN) District. The novices who were from Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan departed the St. Louis District’s novitiate at Glencoe (MO) and moved north to their new home at what is being called “St. Yon Valley” in Winona.

Bulletin des Freres des Ecoles Chretiennes, July 1962, pp. 163-164.