Philadelphia, PA – Karen Reardon, Megan Schoen and Jaime Longo, editors, have published the book In Living Color: An Anthology of Contemporary Student Writings on Race (2020) with assistance from Parnilis Media.

This book is the result of a university-wide collaborative endeavor to collect La Salle University student writings on race with invited faculty essays which may be used to frame conversation. We thank the many student collaborators and all at La Salle who contributed in some way to its production with special thanks to faculty and those from the Lasallian community, including Luisa Ossa, Rosemary Barbera, Chip Gallagher, Sara Shuman, Brother Ernest Miller, Brother Brian Henderson and Brother Bob Kinzler who all contributed writings and the La Salle Art Museum which introduced us to local artist, Moe Booker, whose art graces the cover.

The book is available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble websites. Discounted bulk orders for classroom use can be arranged through the editors.