Past News Articles

CBA Collects Funds for Camp

December 12th, 2012|

CBA junior high principal Kathleen Hanson joined seventh graders Mikayla Santulli and Marina Hatem and Sr. Suzanne Dunn, OSF at the Camp Good Days and Special Times table at Destiny USA. Junior high students [...]

Vehicles from Calvert Hall

December 11th, 2012|

12/19/12 - Halethorpe, MD — Baltimore nonprofit Vehicles for Change (VFC) and Calvert Hall College High School have joined forces this holiday season to provide a vehicle to a deserving Baltimore family. The vehicle, a [...]

Brother Lomond Lavigne, FSC 1935-2012

December 10th, 2012|

Given by Br. Dominic Viggiani, FSC When I pass, speak freely of my shortcomings and flaws. Learn from them, or I’ll have no ego to injure. (Aaron McGruder) Brother Lomond was born in God’s country, [...]

LIving Lasallian – December 2012

December 9th, 2012|

Lasallian education is so much more than strong academics and scholastic success. Since 1680, the Lasallian charism, continued by the Brothers of the Christian Schools and their Lasallian partners, shapes students to be civic minded [...]

Resources to Help Students Cope with Tragedy

December 7th, 2012|

December 17, 2012 It is with great sadness that the Office of Lasallian Education expresses condolences and prays for the victims and families of the tragic shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT, [...]

Haiti Partnership and Outreach

December 4th, 2012|

UPDATE: January 25th, 2012 As part of Haiti Solidarity Week, the District of Eastern North America - Office for Mission and Ministry sponsored a delegation to the Saint John Baptist De La Salle School in [...]

Brother Alan Flood, FSC 1931-2012

December 3rd, 2012|

Eulogy given by Br. Michael Andrejko, FSC “Jesus said to his disciples: ‘What is your opinion? If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them goes astray, will he not leave the ninety-nine [...]

Announcing the Christmas Card Winner & Entries

December 1st, 2012|

During this wonderful time of year, we asked art students from across the District to capture the spirit of the Christmas season in their own creative way. This year’s theme: Griffin McGuire Junior at St. [...]

Brother James Rieck, FSC

November 17th, 2012|

1939-2012 Eulogy given by Br. John T. Patzwall, FSC Today is a very difficult, tragic and grief-filled day for me and I am certain for most of you. Our brother, James, gave up his life [...]

Jim Logan

November 16th, 2012|

Mission Executive Council James (Jim) Logan started his career in the St. Gabriel’s System (SGS) at St. Gabriel’s Hall in the Partial Hospital Program (PHP) in October, 1993, doing group work with clients. He also [...]

The Distinguished Lasallian Educators of The District

November 15th, 2012|

The District of Eastern North America is proud to present the 2012 Distinguished Lasallian Educators Each year, The Brothers of the Christian Schools of the Lasallian Region of North America recognize Lasallian Educators for their [...]

CBA Partners With Shoe Recycling Program

November 14th, 2012|

12/4/12 - DeWitt, NY— Next time you are cleaning out your closet and looking for something to do with those shoes or sneakers that you no longer wear, consider giving them to CBA. CBA is [...]

La Salle Academy Warm Coat Drive Delivers!

November 12th, 2012|

11/28/12 - Providence, RI — During the month of November, students, faculty, staff, and administrators at La Salle Academy collected several hundred gently worn coats for the needy in Rhode Island. On the morning after [...]

Brother Gabriel Healy, FSC 1929-2012

November 11th, 2012|

Eulogy by Charlie Hayes I have to start by saying how humbled I am to have been asked by Brother Bud to say a few words about our friend, brother, brother-in-law, uncle, and great uncle, [...]

RILAG Commissioning

November 10th, 2012|

RI Lasallians commit themselves to the educational mission 11/27/12 - Providence, RI — On Tuesday evening, 27 November, 35 members of the Rhode Island Lasallian Association Group (RILAG) gathered for their annual Commissioning Service at [...]

Living Lasallian – November 2012

November 9th, 2012|

A Lasallian education is so much more than strong academics and scholastic success. From the time of The Founder in 17th century France, to today's 21st century globally connected reality, the Lasallian charism, continued by [...]

The Lasallian Solidarity Fund

November 3rd, 2012|

UPDATE 1.31.12 First & Foremost, Thank you so much for your generosity! These are some of the students at St. Peter’s Boys High School in Staten Island who were the direct beneficiaries of your generosity. [...]