Past News Articles
CBA Albany Bowls to Big Ten Win
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De La Salle Hall in the Top 39
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San Miguel Providence has Home Court Advantage
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De La Salle Academy – An Education Model that Works
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CBA – Lincroft Wins 22nd Consecutive Swimming Title
2/5/12 - Toms River, NJ — Adapted from a story written by Robert Ziegler, Staff Writer for the Asbury Park Press Heading into Saturday’s Shore Conference Boys Swimming Championships, athletes from Christian Brothers Academy, Ocean [...]
Bethlehem University Spotlight
Salt and Light to tell the story of Bethlehem University 2/1/12 - Bethlehem, Palestine - On the surface, campus life at Bethlehem University feels disarmingly familiar. And then you're reminded why this region is unlike [...]
New York Cardinal-Designate: Bethlehem U. Helps Build Culture of Peace
2/1/12 - Bethlehem, Palestine - Adapted from an article written by Judith Sudilovsky for the Catholic News Service Bethlehem University is helping create a "culture of peace and life, and a civilization of love" by [...]
Br. Michael McGinniss, FSC
District Council Member Now in his second term as President of La Salle University, Brother Michael J. McGinniss, F.S.C., Ph.D., became the University’s 28th president in 1999. He previously had been a member of [...]
Joseph Sanfratello
For Joseph Sanfratello, "Enter to learn, leave to serve," is a Lasallian motto you can say he lives by. As a recipient of a scholarship in honor of Dennis Zilinksi II, Army 1st Lt., [...]
San Miguel Schools Winter Association Gathering
The San Miguel Middle Schools of DENA come together to share best practices / Lasallian Mission 1/26 - 28/12 - Tinton Falls, NJ - Middle School teachers from Providence, RI, Washington DC, Freeport, NY, and [...]
Calvert Hall and La Salle Academy Students Attend March for Life in Washington
Calvert Hall (above) and La Salle Academystudents (below) attended the March for Life. 1/23/12 - Washington, DC - Eleven Calvert Hall students, Daniel Binette, Paul Cillo, Dan DiPeppe, Liam Duggins, Nick Fleming, Denny [...]
‘Re-energized’ St. Raphael Academy is Making its Comeback
Applications up; more students see school as their first choice 1/24/12 - Pawtucket, RI - Adapted from a story written by staff writer Ethan Shorey for "The Valley Breeze Newspaper." There are times in [...]
Brother Fred Stelmach , FSC 1928-2012
Eulogy given by Brother Kevin Strong, FSC Brother Fred would have loved looking out at the Brothers, friends, and family assembled here to honor him for his almost eighty-four years of productive and creative life. [...]
Christian Brother is Sustained by Community Life
"I joined the Brothers of the Christian Schools because the brothers place great emphasis on community life and community is an important way that sustains me" 1/13/2012 - Pittsburgh, PA — Adapted from an article [...]
Central Catholic “Warms ‘Em Up”
69 Montana Lasallians are warmer this winter through Pittsburgh generosity 1/9/12 - Pittsburgh, PA - For 69 children on a Blackfeet Reservation in Browning, Montana (pictured at right), the winter became a little warmer thanks [...]
Lasallian Volunteers Mid-Year Retreat
LVs gathered to share their triumphs, struggles, and recommit to service after first months of the school year 1/13-15/12 - Brant Lake, NY - As part of their year of volunteer service, the Lasallian Volunteers [...]
Christian Service Internship
St. Mary's College "Jan-Termers" spend their time off from college studies in Lasallian service 1/19/12 - Moraga, CA- This January, as most college students are preparing to return to campus life after their Christmas / [...]
Living Lasallian – January 2012
Dear Brothers and Partners Happy New Year! With 2012 underway and classes in session, I wanted to take this opportunity to welcome you back, and wish you and yours many blessings. As we look back [...]
Brother Stephen McCabe, FSC 1928-2012
Eulogy given by Br. William Spellman, FSC If there is one word that could describe Steve best, it would be strength. On this day of both sadness and joy, we are fully aware of what [...]
Introducing the Brother Ed Sheehy Bobblehead
The momento will be given away to students at men's basketball game 1/12/12 - Philadelphia, PA - La Salle students will have the opportunity to pick up a unique collectible when the men's basketball team [...]
Brother Vincent Hogan, FSC 1928-2012
Eulogy given by Br. Domenic Viggiani, FSC Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him. (Jn. 14:23) As [...]
Contacts’ Retreat at Jeremy House
Young men continue to explore the Brothers' vocation 1/3-6/12 - Philadelphia, PA- Jeremy House, once again, hosted the retreat that is held every Janu-ary for men who discern the Brothers’ life through the Contact Program. [...]
Archdiocese of Philadelphia to Close West Catholic High School
Findings of the yearlong Blue Ribbon Commission will close 44 Catholic elementary, 4 high schools 1/6/12 - Philadelphia, PA - On Friday, January 6, Archbishop Chaput, O.F.M. and the Archdiocese of Philadelphia announced that it [...]
Nearly 2,000 Honor Br. Michael Collins, 1938-2012 (Midwest District)
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San Miguel School of Providence Gives Thanks for Generosity that will Brighten the New Year
Two leading Rhode Island philanthropic organizations demonstrate commitment to children with gifts to strengthen programs and support educational opportunity 1/5/12 - Providence, RI - A grant received just before Christmas from the CVS Caremark Charity [...]