Past News Articles

Living Lasallian Inaugural Issue

February 11th, 2011|

Be sure to forward this email along to key staff and other Lasallian family members! Dear Brothers, Partners, Students... Lasallians All!We are very proud of our District website and have put a lot of time, [...]

Moving Manhattan Presenters in February

February 4th, 2011|

February invites Manhattan College students and public to engage renowned speakers, authors, Christopher Browning and Immaculée Ilibaziga 2/7/2011 - Riverdale, NY - Christopher R. Browning, Ph.D., Frank Porter Graham professor of history at the University [...]

A Powerful Message at St. Raphael’s Academy

February 3rd, 2011|

Saint Raphael Academy celebrates Catholic School Week with a focus on the Rights of the Child 2/4/2011 - Pawtucket, RI - Saint Raphael Academy celebrated Catholic School Week with a focus on the United Nations [...]

Manhattan College Math Professor Volunteers

February 1st, 2011|

Dr. Helene Tyler educates Graduate Students during winter break in Cambodia 2/2/2011 - Riverdale, NY - With 35 percent of its people living below the poverty line and an adult population that is only 75 [...]

CBA Awards Academic Scholarships to Incoming Students

January 12th, 2011|

1/17/2011 - Dewitt, NY- Students accepted into the ChristianBrothers Academy Class of 2017 gathered at the school with family and friends for CBA's Accepted Student Night on January 17, 2011. Principal Brother Joseph Jozwiak, FSC, [...]

La Salle Academy Theatre Troupe Nominated

January 11th, 2011|

  For the Third Time in Five Years La Salle Academy Nominated To Perform At American High School Theatre Festival in Scotland 1/24/2011 - Providence, RI - The La Salle Players have once again been [...]

CBA Reaches Winter Track Perfection

January 9th, 2011|

1/15/2011 - Toms River, NJ - Theo Foster threw his hands up in the air as he crossed the finish line first...Foster, a sophomore, put the finishing touches on the most remarkable team performance in [...]

Lasallian Volunteers / Youth Gather in Wyndmoor

January 8th, 2011|

Over 130 Lasallian High Schoolers, Lasallian Volunteers, Moderators, Brothers, and Partners spent their day at La Salle engaged in volunteer work, retreat, and faith based reflection. Over 130 Lasallian High Schoolers, Lasallian Volunteers, Moderators, [...]

Brother Joseph McQuaid, FSC 1912-2010

January 1st, 2011|

Eulogy given by Br. Vincent Hogan, FSC Brother Joseph McQuaid was born in August 1912 into a strong Catholic Family. He grew up in that Irish Community north of London which includes Seaforth, Dublin and [...]

Anthony Anderson

December 8th, 2010|

  District of Eastern North America Christmas Card Contest Winner During this wonderful time of year, we asked Art students from across the District to capture the spirit of the Christmas Season in their own [...]

The Familiares Bestow Honors

December 6th, 2010|

Ms. Alisa Macksey, Br. Joseph Reilly, and Mr. Peter Scalamandre are recognized at the 48th Annual Christmas Dinner   12/5/10 - Woodbury, NY - As part of the 48th Annual Christmas Dinner hosted by the [...]

Louis J. Guarrieri, Jr., Benefactor to the Institute

December 5th, 2010|

Mr. Guarrieri receives his Letters of Benefaction during the Fifth Annual Christian Brothers' Service Awards Dinner Louis Guarrieri, Jr. (right) is presented with his Letters of Benefaction by Br. Dennis Malloy, Visitor for the [...]