Past News Articles

Brother Frederick DelAntonio, FSC 1949-2010

December 4th, 2010|

Given by Brother John McMahon, FSC Church of St. Raymond, Bronx, NY December 10, 2010 “Unless the grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain, but if it [...]

The Distinguished Lasallian Educators of The District

November 7th, 2010|

The District of Eastern North America is proud to present the 2010 Distinguished Lasallian Educators Each year, The Brothers of the Christian Schools of the US / Toronto Region recognize Lasallian Educators for their outstanding [...]

Six District Delegates Head to Rome for CIL 2010

November 1st, 2010|

November 3, 2010 — Starting November 8, 2010, District of Eastern North America will join in CIL 2010 (International Lasallian Centre, or Centro Internazionale Lasalliano in Italian), a program run in conjunction with the Secretariat [...]

New Lasallian Leaders Throughout the District

October 17th, 2010|

  New Lasallian Leaders Throughout the District As we open the new school year, we note the number of good changes throughout. Please welcome our new leaders in Lasallian ministries throughout DENA.   Brother Michael [...]

Brother Joseph Juliano Professes Perpetual Vows

October 14th, 2010|

Brother Joseph takes the final step in the discernment process of permanently joining The Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools Brother Joseph, along with Brother Visitor, sign the Formula of Vows for [...]

Bank of America Heroes

October 12th, 2010|

Brothers Michael Reis (left) and Lawrence Goyette were honored as Local Heroes by Bank of America for their dedication to the Rhode Island community. 10/27/10 - Providence, RI - At the John Hope [...]

The Brother Luke Salm, FSC Religious Education Workshop

October 9th, 2010|

Campus Ministers and Religious Education staff from across the District and beyond come together for this inaugural gathering Boston College’s Thomas Groome accepted the District’s invitation to headline the Luke Salm Workshop because he [...]

La Salle University Hosts Fair Trade Speaker

October 8th, 2010|

The University's new partnership with Catholic Relief Services brings attention to humanitarian relief efforts La Salle University hosted Rigoberto Diaz, a CRS Fair Trade Mexican farmer in September. Brother Miguel Campos, FSC and Diaz [...]

Brother Leo Michiels, FSC 1928-2010

October 7th, 2010|

Eulogy given by Br. Anthony Flynn, FSC De La Salle Hall, October 12, 2010 Brother Leo was born in Detroit, Michigan, on January 24, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. Andre Michiels. He was their only [...]

LAYFS Seminar at Manhattan College

October 3rd, 2010|

The Manhattan College community gets an education on these unique educational programs Mr. "Skip" Gaus gives tells the founding story of Youth and Family Services as part of the Lasallian mission. On Thursday, [...]

Brother Sylvester Miner, FSC 1923-2010

October 2nd, 2010|

Eulogy given by Br. Vincent Hogan, FSC Oct. 7, 2010 Brothers, Sisters, Fathers, family and friends - We gather here to celebrate Brother Sylvester's life here on earth and his entrance into eternal life. It's [...]

Sam Bellafiore

September 5th, 2010|

  Since the third grade, Sam Bellafiore knew he wanted to be a student at La Salle Institute. When he entered the Institute in sixth grade, he immediately got involved. Writing for the student paper, [...]