Past News Articles

Brother Michael Farrell, FSC 1940-2009

September 7th, 2009|

Eulogy given by Br. Edward Phelan, FSC Ladies and gentleman, many of you have moved beyond the first half of life - the time we all have to get degrees, make reputations, work hard, develop [...]

San Miguel School of Washington has a New Home

September 6th, 2009|

September 9th Dedication Officially Opens the New San Miguel School Once housed in the St. Stephen and the Incarnation Episcopal Church, the San Miguel School of Washington now has a place to call its own, [...]

Brother Luke Salm, FSC, 1921-2009

September 4th, 2009|

Brother Luke Salm, FSC 1921-2009 Remarks at Funeral by Brother William Mann, FSC In my last conversation with Luke in we said goodbye...with a twinkle in his eye...he recalled our teary farewell of a [...]

Official Notification from Rome

September 3rd, 2009|

Brother Dennis Malloy, Visitor, receives the following official notification concerning the District of Eastern North America from Br. Alvaro Rodriguez Echeverria, Superior General. Rome 14 September 09 Dear Brother Dennis, I and the General Council [...]

Welcome to the DENA Website!

September 1st, 2009|

We are one of four Districts of the Brothers of the Christian Schools within the United States/Toronto Region and part of the worldwide Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools who together with our [...]