Past News Articles

Hallway Exercises

July 22nd, 2020|

Lincroft, NJ - From Rachel Block - Activity Director, De La Salle Hall - For much of the early months of the pandemic the Brothers at De La Salle Hall had been spending most [...]

Brother Paul Renews Vows

July 22nd, 2020|

Narragansett, RI - On June 15, 2020, the District Council voted unanimously to approve Paul Avvento’s request to renew his annual vows. As a result, Paul did just that in the presence of his [...]

Roof Garden

July 15th, 2020|

From Ralph Bucci – CBC Bronx, NY - Dave Detje and I have been working on the roof garden and by the entrance statue at CBC the last two summers.  I began a garden [...]

Reframing Retirement for Mission

July 8th, 2020|

Philadelphia, PA and New York, NY - Brothers Joe Scheiter (Anselm Hall) and Bill Johnson (LSA Community) participated in "Reframing Retirement for Mission," a three-week program sponsored by the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago [...]


June 10th, 2020|

We have many Brothers in DENA who enjoy whiling away the hours in a garden. Ralph Bucci, Dave Detje, and Bob Deary are three such Brothers. Another is Brother John Chung Nguyen from Calvert Hall [...]