Past News Articles

CBA Student Launches Campaign to Thank Heroes

May 6th, 2020|

SYRACUSE, NY — The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a new appreciation for all front line workers who are risking their lives to help others. Inspired by their actions and looking for a way to [...]

Lasallian Novena for Pentecost

May 6th, 2020|

DOWNLOAD NOVENA “To accomplish great things we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan but also believe.” Anatole France (Lasallian Reflection 5: Great Things Are Possible) Lasallians around [...]

“You Are Special” Balloons

May 6th, 2020|

Lincroft, NJ - The De La Salle Hall Staff continues to provide dedicated care and show concern for community members during these stressful and challenging days amid the COVID-19 crisis. Recently, DLS Hall Staff [...]

Central Catholic Student Making Ear Guards

May 4th, 2020|

Pittsburgh, PA - When Andrew Pritchard, a sophomore at Central Catholic High School, learned face masks were causing problems for doctors and nurses, he knew he had to help. “The elastic of the masks is [...]

Twinning in the Time of Coronavirus

May 1st, 2020|

Washington, DC - Despite the challenges posed by coronavirus, efforts to maintain and enhance relationships shared between twinned ministries in the Lasallian Region of North America (RELAN) and the Lwanga District continue.   Two video calls on [...]

  • Is it springtime outside your windows as you view this? These three students from Immaculata-La Salle HS (Miami) seem determined not to let a little schooling interfere with their education. (1963 yearbook, p. 77)


May 1st, 2020|

Is it springtime outside your windows as you view this? These three students from Immaculata-La Salle HS (Miami) seem determined not to let a little schooling interfere with their education. (1963 yearbook, p. 77) [...]

30th Anniversary Virtual Toast

April 25th, 2020|

Washington, DC - On Saturday, April 25, 2020, over 140 Lasallian Volunteers, Alums, Brothers and friends of the program gathered together virtually to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Lasallian Volunteers and Brother Ed Phelan, [...]

At – Risk Youth in RI Still Receive Support

April 24th, 2020|

  West Warwick, RI ─ Agencies that provide support to low-income families and kids in Rhode Island are still finding ways to connect with their clients during the coronavirus pandemic. Tides Family Services has [...]

Brother Roger Brossolasco, FSC

April 23rd, 2020|

Please Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Brother Roger Brossolasco, FSC Born Roger Michel Brossolasco in Laussane Switzerland on 16 February 1930 Entered the Besançon France Juniorate on 27 July 1943 Entered [...]

Birthday Card Ministry

April 22nd, 2020|

One of our senior Brothers has a Birthday Card Ministry. He obtains the list of all student birthdays each year and sends the young person a card on that special day. Since COVID-19 has [...]

At – Risk Youth Fight Coronavirus

April 21st, 2020|

  Philadelphia, PA - Archdiocesan staff who work with at-risk youth are relying on faith, hope and hygiene to reassure teens amid the uncertainties of the coronavirus pandemic. “I want them to feel safe, [...]

Rainbow Hunt at La Salle School – Albany

April 15th, 2020|

Albany, NY - Even though the day school at La Salle School is closed, the continue to serve 46 youths on the campus providing continuity of learning. The faculty has developed materials for [...]