Past News Articles
Sunday Gospel (04/12/20)
Gospel – John 20:1-9 On the first day of the week, Mary of Magdala came to the tomb early in the morning, while it was still dark, and saw the stone removed from the [...]
April 6: COVID-19: Weekly Communique from The Office of the Visitor
April 6, 2020 Dear Brothers and Lasallians, As we begin this Holy Week, we are ever mindful of our reliance on prayer as we continue to deal with the reality and impact of COVID-19. [...]
College Professors Write Coronavirus Into Their Lesson Plans
Brian DeHaven, assistant professor at LaSalle University, teaches his upper level virology course on Zoom, photographed in Philadelphia, Pa. on Wednesday, April 8, 2020. MONICA HERNDON / STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER - Philadelphia Inquirer [...]
CBA Grads Connect to Provide PPE to Vulnerable Population
Woodbridge, NJ - Fusion Health announced that it will be donating 25,000 face shields to support healthcare professionals and other front-line correctional staff amid the COVID-19 global pandemic. Fusion Health, a leader of Correctional [...]
April 13: COVID-19: Weekly Communique from The Office of the Visitor
April 13, 2020 Happy Easter Monday, hoping that you have had a very good, even though socially-distant, celebration of the Paschal Mystery. We begin with the updates on our two Brothers: Charlie Barbush continues [...]
Brother Edmond Precourt, FSC
Please Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Brother Edmond Precourt, FSC Born Edmond Patrick Precourt in Providence RI on 20 September 1944 Entered the Narragansett RI Novitiate on 28 June 1963 Received [...]
Middletown Welcomes Home U.S. Veteran, Social-Distancing Style
Middletown, NJ — The coronavirus quarantine did not stop Middletown from turning out this past weekend to welcome home a U.S. war veteran. On Saturday, Middletown residents lined the streets and sidewalks — albeit [...]
One Final Step for 52 Medical Students, Eager to Join the Fight
New York, NY - On Friday, 52 medical students became doctors two months early so they could help in the fight against the coronavirus in New York. From dorm rooms and apartments, 52 medical [...]
Manhattan College Student Donates PPE Supplies to Health Care Workers
Riverdale, NY - Three weeks after Manhattan College sent students home to finish the semester online, one student came back to do some good amid the coronavirus pandemic. Ellen Farrelly [...]
La Salle University Graduate Involved In Making Face Shields For Health Care Workers
Philadelphia, PA - During the coronavirus outbreak, we’ve heard countless stories of people stepping up in an effort to help health care workers on the frontlines of the fight. One of those people is a [...]
Sunday Gospel (04/05/20)
At The Procession With Palms - Matthew 21:1-11 When Jesus and the disciples drew near Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them, “Go into [...]
Steven Schreiner named Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs at Manhattan College
Riverdale, NY - Steven Schreiner, Ph.D., P.E., will be Manhattan College’s next provost and vice president of academic affairs, effective July 6. Schreiner will join Manhattan College from The College of New Jersey, where [...]
April Fools
Watch out for April Fools this month, including this cast of ragamuffins from Calvert Hall College HS (Towson, MD), who mysteriously seem to have found plenty of slippery ice and banana peels on the [...]
March 30: COVID-19: Weekly Communique from The Office of the Visitor
March 30, 2020 Dear Brothers and Lasallians, Our world continues to attend to the COVID-19 pandemic in astonishing ways. God bless all who are on the front lines! Be assured of our ongoing gratitude to [...]
March 23: COVID-19: Weekly Communique from The Office of the Visitor
Dear Brothers and Lasallians… How the world has changed in this past week. Thank you, one and all, for being attentive to the directives of medical, church, and governmental agencies. The three of us [...]
Sunday Gospel (03/29/20)
Gospel - John 11:1-45 Now a man was ill, Lazarus from Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister Martha. Mary was the one who had anointed the Lord with perfumed oil and dried [...]
Bishop Loughlin Grad, CNN Hero on Pandemic’s Front Line
New York, NY - As the coronavirus pandemic spreads, so are the efforts of people who bring much-needed aid -- and inspiration -- to those in need. Some of them, previously recognized as CNN [...]
Br. Paco Chiva Comes to America to Explore Association
Br. Paco visits the Turon Community in DC, with Br. Ed along with current and alum Lasallian Volunteers. Bronx, NY - On February 13th Brother Paco Chiva, FSC, the Co-Secretary for Association [...]
A Message from the Superior General Br. Robert Schieler, FSC
Bless the Lord, 0 my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love [...]
March 16: COVID-19: Weekly Communique from The Office of the Visitor
Dear Brothers and Lasallians… As we begin this week where we celebrate Saints Patrick and Joseph, we pause together to reflect on the current reality of our newly uprooted lives. Our Eatontown Calendars are now [...]
La Salle Students Attend March Youth Conference
New York, NY - Just before La Salle Academy adapted to the current COVID-19 pandemic and transitioned to distance learning, a group of our students gathered with other young New York City Catholic high [...]
The Wounded Healer
Lincroft, NJ - Nine Brothers gathered last Saturday at De La Salle Hall in Lincroft for a discussion entitled “The Wounded Healer,” one of a series from DENA-Connect. The aging process leaves most of [...]
Special Visitors to La Salle NYC
New York, NY - Four guests entered the classrooms at La Salle Academy. Beginning on Monday, March 2nd, the Studio and Digital Art class welcomed Shanta Lawson, Education Director at the Studio Museum in [...]
More than 35 Attend 3rd Vocation Summit of 2019-2020
Lincroft, NJ - The Office for Vocations of the Brothers of the Christian Schools District of Eastern North America hosted its third of five Vocation Summits for the academic year. Hosted by Christian Brothers [...]
Newman Club at NYU Welcomes Lasallians
New York, NY - The Newman Club at New York University recently welcomed the Lasallian community that resides nearby in the East Village. The chapel at the Catholic Center at NYU is a regular [...]