Past News Articles
Brother Gabriel Fagan, FSC
1938-2019 Please pray for the repose of the soul of Brother Gabriel Fagan, FSC Born Richard Michael Fagan in New York NY on 5 June 1938 Entered the Barrytown NY Novitiate on 29 June [...]
December 9 1579
1579: St. Martin de Porres was born this day in Lima (Peru) of biracial parents, and became a Dominican lay brother who developed a love for the poor and the ill. A ministry of DENA [...]
December 8 1884
1884: On the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, the main building at Ammendale (MD), except for the east and west wings which were constructed soon thereafter, was ready for occupancy by the Novices and Junior [...]
December 7
December 7: Today is the feast day of St. Ambrose. In his meditation for this day, De La Salle wrote, "Often ask God for the grace to touch hearts, as he [St. Ambrose] did; this [...]
December 6
December 6: Today is the feast day of St. Nicholas, the patron saint of children and--eventually--the the inspiration behind Santa Claus. De La Salle's meditation for this day reads in part, "The obligation that you [...]
Brother Timothy Murphy, FSC
1941-2019 Words of Remembrance for Brother Timothy Murphy, FSC Given by Brother Brian Carty, FSC Mass of Christian Burial Chapel of De La Salle and His Brothers Manhattan College Riverdale, NY December 10, 2019 [...]
Santa at Manhattan College December 1981
Santa visits Manhattan College in the Bronx in December 1981. While on campus, Mr. Claus distributed presents to administrators and students, dropped in on the President and even shot a few hoops in Draddy gymnasium.
December 5 1716
1716: On this day, De La Salle wrote a letter to Brother Gabriel Drolin who had earlier been synonymous with the "Heroic Vow." The Founder wrote in part, "I have had many disappointments during this [...]
Brother John Perry, FSC
1922-2019 Words of Remembrance for Brother John Perry, FSC (Written by Brother Jerome Sullivan, FSC) Brother John Perry wrote the following words as an introduction to his short autobiography titled “Choosing A Road Less [...]
Brother Vincent
Riverdale, NY - After many years of service as a counselor at La Salle School, Albany; Resurrection School, Harlem; and St. Raymond High School for Boys, the Bronx, our own Brother Vincent Reese is [...]
Christmas Card Contest Winner 2019
So they went in haste… "Let us go, then, to Bethlehem to see this thing that has taken place, which the Lord has made known to us. So they went in haste and found [...]
December 4 1906
1906: After two decades of being located in the Amawalk Valley (NY), the New York District Novitiate was relocated to the new structure at Pocantico Hills, the hilliest section of Westchester County (NY). Brothers of [...]
December 3 1803
1803: In the wake of the tragic French Revolution, Bro. Frumence (Vicar General of the Institute with powers of a superior general) obtained a decree re-establishing the Institute in France with authorization to fix its [...]
Blessed Brother James Miller, FSC to be Beatified
The Beatification of Brother James Miller, FSC Facebook Live - from Colegio De La Salle Huehuetenango UPDATE: Beatification Ceremony for Brother James Miller, FSC, will be live streamed - Colegio De La Salle [...]
December 2 1906
1906: After Sacred Heart College was destroyed during the famous San Francisco earthquake (April 1906), a temporary facility was opened for the school in this city on this date. Bulletin des Ecoles Chretiennes, Vol. 1, [...]
December 1 1905
1905: Four French Christian Brothers landed in Veracruz (Mexico) and joined a German Brother who was waiting for them. It was the arrival of the Institute in Mexico and soon they began their first school [...]
November 30 1926
The upper stories of St. Michael's College (Santa Fe, NM) were destroyed by fire. The remainder of the building was saved by students themselves, who assisted firemen by taking the hoses into their own frozen [...]
November 29 1906
As the New York District novices and postulants prepared to leave Ammendale to return to their own District after a temporary three-year relocation, an entertainment was given to the New Yorkers by their Baltimore counterparts. [...]
YWCA Rhode Island Honored Tides Family Services CEO Beth Bixby
Beth Bixby accepting the Women of Achievement Award 15th Annual Women of Achievement Awards Luncheon recognizes accomplishments of women across industry, culture and public service WOONSOCKET - YWCA Rhode Island hosted its 15th [...]
November 28 1930
La Salle College and La Salle College High School (Philadelphia) were both granted accreditation by the Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools of the Middle States, at its meeting in Atlantic City (NJ). Christian Brothers [...]
Lasallian Ambassador Program
Riverdale, NY - Brother Carlos A. Pinto-Corredor arrived at Manhattan College in January 2019 from Colombia. He is a former student and active member of the INDIVISA MANENT [...]
November 27 1095
Pope Urban II preached the first Crusade. Did you know that the sports teams of Baltimore's Cardinal Gibbons School, founded in 1962 and transitioning to a Lasallian ministry from 1997 until its 2010 closure, were [...]
November 26 1842
The University of Notre Dame was founded by eight members of the Congregation of Holy Cross. At one time during the late 1950s, so many Christian Brothers from the Region studied in Notre Dame's graduate [...]