Past News Articles
Brothers & Sisters — Side by Side in the Mission
Rooftop class photo of seventh grade boys, Ascension School, Manhattan, 1927 - from Vision magazine. from Vision: The Sisters of Charity of New York - Autumn 2019 edition - by Steve Sweeny There’s [...]
November 25 1972
Brother Jeremy McNamara, Visitor of the Baltimore District (1970-1972), died suddenly on this date. Held in high esteem by the Brothers of his District and beyond, Brother Jeremy's memory endures at Philadelphia's Jeremy House, the [...]
November 24 1936
In Washington, the FBI Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory (better known as the FBI Crime Lab) officially opened. Did you know that longtime FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover received the President's Medal from St. John's College [...]
The Distinguished Lasallian Educators of 2019
The District's Distinguished Lasallian Educators were awarded at the Huether Lasallian Conference, on Nov. 23, 2019. (center 3, l to r: Dr. Rhonda Hazell, Ms. Carol Soltys, and Mr. Skip Gaus, AFSC, pictured [...]
November 23 1936
The very first issue of Life magazine was published. Years later, a 1959 issue of Life published a classic Joe Munroe photo showing about 25 students of St. Mary's College (Moraga, CA) stuffing themselves into [...]
November 22 1962
President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, TX on this day. Three days later, his funeral Mass was celebrated in Washington's St. Matthew's Cathedral, with the Auxiliary Bishop of Washington, Bishop Philip Hannan, delivering [...]
Sunday Gospel Reflection (11/24/19)
Dawn M. Nothwehr, OSF
Professor of Catholic Theological Ethics
Gospel - Luke 23:35-43 The rulers sneered at Jesus and said, "He saved others, let him save himself if he is the chosen one, the Christ of God." Even the soldiers jeered at him. [...]
November 21 1691
With the fledgling Institute experiencing an uncertain future, John Baptist de La Salle joined Brothers Nicholas Vuyart and Gabriel Drolin in privately pronouncing what later was known as the Heroic Vow. In doing so, they [...]
Vocation Awareness
Riverdale, NY - Br. Beto and Br. Ed Shields invited five ambassadors from Manhattan College and three Seton Partner Volunteers to the CBC Community for Mass, dinner, and conversation. Ambassadors at Manhattan College are [...]
November 20 1887
14-year-old Therese Martin (better known as St. Therese of Lisieux) personally met Pope Leo XIII in Rome, but received no clear direction from him when she boldly asked permission to enter the Carmelite Sisters at [...]
Manhattan Students Join Lasallian Peers at Ignatian Teach-In
Washington, DC - Ten Manhattan College students, led by Conor Reidy and Jacquie Martin in the office of Campus Ministry & Social Action (CMSA), traveled to Washington, D.C. from November 16-18 for the 22nd [...]
November 19 1871
A dedication ceremony was held for the new Christian Brothers College (now University) on Adams Street in Memphis, and classes opened on the next day. The roots of this ministry are directly related to the [...]
November 18 1707
On this day, John Baptist de La Salle wrote a fraternal letter to Brother Mathias who was living in Mende (France). "So long as you are obedient," observed the Founder, "God will support you." John [...]
November 17 1951
The centerpiece of the Brothers' Generalate (headquarters) in Rome is the huge chapel, built in 1936. This edifice, however, was not solemnly dedicated until this day in 1951, as part of the yearlong 300th anniversary [...]
November 16 1928
Bro. Gregory Austin (O'Neill), Director of the Baltimore District's St. La Salle Auxiliary, wrote a letter of thanks to readers of Christian Brothers magazine for their participation in the raffle of a late-model Chrysler to [...]
DENA Family Together for Association Celebration and 10 Years of Mission
Christian Brothers and Partners-in-Mission from more than 35 Catholic Lasallian Ministries throughout the Northeast gathered virtually and in-person; to explore vocation and the future of mission. Superior General, Brother Robert Schieler, FSC, keynote [...]
November 15 1925
Groundbreaking was held for a new Lasallian school on Detroit's Glenfield Avenue (De La Salle Collegiate). Its growth was directly attributable to the reputation of the Brothers in predecessor ministries in that city. Bro. Angelus [...]
Sunday Gospel Reflection (11/17/19)
Daniel P. Horan, OFM
Catholic Theological Union
Gospel - Luke 21:5-19 While some people were speaking about how the temple was adorned with costly stones and votive offerings, Jesus said, "All that you see here - the days will come when [...]
November 14 1864
The Christian Brothers came to the city of Ottawa, the capital of the soon-to-be-established Dominion of Canada, and opened their school of Notre Dame on this day in 1864. W. J. Battersby [FSC], History of [...]
Immaculata – LaSalle Hall of Fame
Miami, FL - Our Br. Francisco Martin was recently honored with a name bearing recognition! Immaculata-La Salle in Miami celebrated its Athletic Hall of Fame on October 24, 2019. Two alumni from the class [...]
November 13 1880
The Novices and one postulant of the Baltimore District, with Brothers Alician and Victor, moved from Baltimore to the first (temporary) structure at Ammendale (MD). The novitiate remained on this property for nearly a century--until [...]
Art Exhibit Depicts Veterans’ Stories Dating Back to World War II
Manhattan College Presents The Experiencing Veterans and Artists Collaboration Gallery at Flatiron Building, previously at O’Malley Library earlier in 2019 Kirsten Battocchio ’18, recent Manhattan College alumni who served in the armed forces. [...]
Our Lady of the Star
Feast Day May 8 The origin of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Star in Montebourg, Normandy, France, is lost in legend. A Benedictine monastery was founded there in the eleventh century and remained [...]
Blessed Nicolas Barré
Born October 21, 1621 Died May 31, 1686 Nicolas Barré was born in Amiens, France on 21 October 1621 and died in Paris on 31 May 1686. As a child he went to a school [...]
November 12 1980
"Brothers in Concert," showcasing the talents of Bro. Vincent Malham and Bro. Laurence Walther as duo pianists and vocalists, was presented at La Salle College (later University) to help celebrate the 300th anniversary of the [...]