Past News Articles
October 12 1933
On Columbus Day, Bishop Loughlin Memorial HS in Brooklyn (Green and Clermont Aves.) was dedicated by Bishop Thomas Molloy. This ministry is named for the first bishop of the Diocese of Brooklyn. Bro. Angelus Gabriel [...]
October 11
October 11 was chosen as the Feast Day of St. Pope John XXIII because that was the date in 1962 when he opened the Second Vatican Council. Lasallians should know that before he was elected [...]
Sunday Gospel Reflection (10/13/19)
Dianne Bergant, CSA
Catholic Theological Union
Gospel - Luke 17:11-19 As Jesus continued his journey to Jerusalem, he traveled through Samaria and Galilee. As he was entering a village, ten lepers met him. They stood at a distance from him [...]
October 10 1837
Four pioneering French Brothers, led by Bro. Aidant, sailed from Le Havre (France) and arrived about one month later in Montreal (Canada) to launch Lasallian education in North America. Their first school opened in Montreal [...]
Eagle Scout Builds Grotto
Nick Notoris, second from right, stands in front of the newly constructed grotto at St. John Paul II Academy in Boca Raton with his parents and Bishop Gerald M. Barbarito, who blessed the [...]
2019 Christmas Card Contest
So they went in haste... The District of Eastern North America (DENA) presents the 11th annual Christmas Card Contest, open to middle school students in 7th and 8th grades, as well as all high school students [...]
International Day of the Girl
DENA Celebrates the International Day of the Girl Since 2012, 11 October has been marked as the International Day of the Girl. The day aims to highlight and address the needs and challenges girls [...]
October 6 1794
After a trial the day before, Brother Moniteur was executed on a guillotine during the French Revolution. W. J. Battersby [FSC], The History of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools in the [...]
October 5 1916
Fire devastated Christian Brothers College, the only Catholic boarding school in the St. Louis (MO) area, killing six firemen, two invalid Christian Brothers, a male nurse, and a night watchman. W. J. Battersby [FSC], The [...]
October 4 1870
During the Franco-Prussian War, the Prussian bombardment of Paris began and gradually intensified. The Brothers' generalate (headquarters), then located on the Rue Oudinot, was hit fifteen times. W. J. Battersby [FSC], History of the Institute [...]
Sunday Gospel Reflection (10/06/19)
Don Timmerman
Casa Maria Catholic Worker Community
Gospel - Luke 17:5-10 The apostles said to the Lord, "Increase our faith." The Lord replied, "If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you would say to this mulberry tree, 'Be [...]
October 3 1979
During his first visit to the U.S. as leader of the world's Catholic, Pope John Paul II celebrated Mass at Logan Circle in Philadelphia for over one million people. Representing the Christian Brothers was Bro. [...]
Brother Michael Honored by Providence Police
Pictured, L to R - Brother Michael, Commissioner Steven Paré, Linda D'Amario Rossi, Tides Family Services Board Chair, and Beth Bixby, Tides Family Services' CEO. Providence, RI – Brother Michael Reis was [...]
October 2 1906
The stately, new motherhouse of the Legacy New York District at Pocantico Hills (Westchester County, NY) was dedicated. It replaced the facility at Amawalk (NY), in the same county. Bro. Angelus Gabriel (FSC), The Christian [...]
Calvert Hall 175th Anniversary Mass
Baltimore, MD - More than 600 people are expected to arrive at The Cathedral of Mary Our Queen on Sunday, October 6, 2019, at 2:00 p.m. to celebrate the 175th anniversary of Calvert Hall College High [...]
October 2019
This is the season for crisp mornings and leaves of vibrant red and gold. This solitary leaf appeared in stark black and gray when it was published in the Bulletin de l’Institut des Freres des [...]
September 30 2019
Today is the Feast Day of St. Jerome. In his meditation for this day, De La Salle wrote "If you wish to be filled with the mind of God and entirely fit for your work, [...]
September 29 1928
The building housing the District headquarters, the Novitiate, and Junior Novitiate of the District of New Orleans-Santa Fe, located on the property known as Magnolia in Lafayette (LA), were formally dedicated, with Bishop Jeanmard of [...]
September 28 1724
The government of King Louis XV granted letters-patent to the Institute, five years after De La Salle's death. Thus the existence and functioning of the Motherhouse at St. Yon (near Paris) was approved, and the [...]
CBA Named National Blue Ribbon School Of Excellence
DeWitt, NY - Christian Brothers Academy has been named a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence-one of 50 private schools nationally, and the only private school in New York State to receive this award. [...]
September 27 2019
This is the Feast Day of Blessed Brother Scubilion (surname Rousseau; 1797-1867), the Christian Brother who known as the catechist of the enslaved natives of the island of Reunion in the Indian Ocean. He was [...]
Sunday Gospel Reflection (09/29/19)
Joe Serano, O. Praem.
Daylesford Abbey
Gospel - Luke 16:19-31 Jesus said to the Pharisees: "There was a rich man who dressed in purple garments and fine linen and dined sumptuously each day. And lying at his door was a [...]