Past News Articles
September 26 1919
On this day, the Baltimore District lost one of its giants in death. Bro. Tobias of Jesus (Wall; 1829-1919) held several directorships, notably in Ellicott City, Baltimore, and Washington, and was instrumental in obtaining both [...]
Reflection Garden
Warren, MI - Br. Robert Deary was commissioned to design and create a Reflection Garden at De La Salle Collegiate in Warren, MI. This garden serves to honor the legacy of all those who [...]
September 25 1888
The Minutes of the Board of Managers of La Salle College (Philadelphia) reported at its meeting on this day that typewriting and "phonography" (shorthand) were added to the school's curriculum.Minutes of the Board of Managers, [...]
September 24 1958
In a letter bearing this "date" of the Feast of Our Lady of Ransom (Sept. 24), published in the very first issue of Lasallian Digest, its editor (Bro. Robert of Mary [Pace]) explained the term [...]
September 23 1940
McShain Hall, a new two-story building erected on the campus of La Salle College (Philadelphia), was dedicated by Cardinal Dennis Dougherty.Bulletin of the Saint La Salle Auxiliary [Ammendale, MD], Vol. 14 (Winter 1941), pp. 14-15.
September 22 1883
The Novices and Junior Novices of the New York District moved from their Clason Point (Bronx, NY) location to a facility at Amawalk (Westchester County, NY) in May 1883. Several months later, on this day, [...]
September 21 1925
The new structure which housed La Salle Academy (Providence, RI) on Academy Avenue was dedicated; the enrollment that year was 740 students.Bro. Angelus Gabriel (FSC), The Christian Brothers in the United States 1848-1948: A Century [...]
September 20 1903
26 Postulants and 5 professed Brothers from the New York District arrived at Ammendale (MD) because the property on which stood the New York Novitiate at Amawalk (NY) had been condemned for water conservation reasons. [...]
Sunday Gospel Reflection (09/22/19)
Thad Crouch
Justice and Peace Project
Gospel - Luke 16:1-13 Jesus said to his disciples, "A rich man had a steward who was reported to him for squandering his property. He summoned him and said, 'What is this I hear [...]
September 19 1948
Benilde Hall, which offered nine badly-needed classrooms and some faculty offices, was formally blessed on the campus of La Salle College (now University) in Philadelphia.Brother Thomas Donaghy (FSC), Conceived in Crisis: A History of La [...]
Diocesan Youth Day
Comberland, RI - The Diocesan Youth Day is an annual event sponsored by the Diocese of Providence. This year the day was held at Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Cumberland, RI. Over 200 [...]
September 18 1894
September 18, along with August 14 of the same year, are the two main dates within 1894 which appear on the State of Maryland's charter of incorporation for "Calvert Hall College of Baltimore City."File in [...]
September 17 1798
A short French-language letter, written on September 17, 1798, discusses the death of Brother Agathon which occured on the day before. Bro. Agathon was the Superior General who reissued, and with greater detail, The Twelve [...]
Day of Service – Celebrating 10 Years as a District
09/09/19 - The District of Eastern North America celebrated the 10th anniversary of its founding on this date. All DENA ministries were invited to observe the date with a Day of Service and [...]
September 16 1995
The Baltimore District sponsored a special Mass of Thanksgiving, with Cardinal William Keeler as the main celebrant, for 150 years of educational excellence at Calvert Hall at the Basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed [...]
September 15 1845
Although another source states it was Sept. 8, it would appear that September 15 is the more reliable date to ascribe for the opening of classes at Cathedral Parish School in Baltimore--the forerunner of today's [...]
September 14 1959
St. John's College High School, which for years had outgrown its cramped building on Vermont Avenue near the White House, finally held its first classes in the new structure at 27th Street and Military Road [...]
Lasallian Mission Highlighted in America Magazine
How St. John Baptist de La Salle Brought Education to Millions of Poor Kids Like Me by Paul Mariani I am sitting in a small classroom in one of those World War II Quonset huts [...]
September 13 1906
Bishop McConnell dedicated the five-story-with-basement St. Cecilia's Parish School (Brooklyn, NY), with the Christian Brothers teaching the older boys there. For years it was largest parochial school in the Brooklyn Diocese.Journey in Retrospect: A Century [...]
Sunday Gospel Reflection (09/15/19)
Brother Steve Herro, O. Praem.
Diocese of Green Bay
Gospel - Luke 15:1-10 Tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to listen to Jesus, but the Pharisees and scribes began to complain, saying, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” So [...]
September 12 1933
Although St. Mary's College (Winona, MN) had been a ministry of the Diocese of Winona for some time, its control switched to the Christian Brothers in June 1933, with the Brothers' initial teaching there beginning [...]
September 11 1849
The first Lasallian ministry in St. Louis (MO) opened. 200 students reported to Cathedral Male School for their first classes under the Christian Brothers, who had recently arrived in America's Midwest.Bro. Angelus Gabriel (FSC), The [...]
Hurricane Dorian Relief – How You Can Help
Cape Hattaras, NC - Hurricane Dorian made landfall over the Outer Banks of North Carolina on Friday morning. The center of the Category 1 storm passed over Cape Hatteras on Friday morning while moving [...]
September 10 1926
Although the Christian Brothers had long been teaching in Detroit, their new, privately-owned ministry entitled De La Salle Collegiate (Glenfield Avenue) was dedicated on this day.Journey in Retrospect: A Century of Service 1848-1948 [New York]: [...]
September 9 2009
This is the day on which the newly-created District of Eastern North America (DENA) officially went into effect. It was the coming together of the Legacy Baltimore, Long Island-New England, and New York Districts; the [...]