Past News Articles

December 13 1827

December 13th, 2018|

The birthdate of Brother Francis (McMullen). Of the five young men who volunteered to venture to Montreal 1842 to be trained as the first American Lasallian vocations in the U.S., he is the only one [...]

December 12 1928

December 12th, 2018|

Groundbreaking was held for the new De La Salle College in Washington. Msgr. William Ryan, Rector of Catholic Univesity, was selected to turn the soil. De La Salle College gave hundreds of young Brothers of [...]

Brother Edward Barry Bartkowiak, FSC

December 11th, 2018|

1948 -2018 Words of Remembrance for Brother Edward Barry Bartkowiak, FSC I first met Edward Barry Bartkowiak in high school when I was 16. “Edward is my father’s name,” he said, “My name is Barry.” [...]

DENA Pilgrims to the Holy Land

December 11th, 2018|

Eatontown, NJ - Our five DENA pilgrims recently returned from their time in the Holy Land grateful for the opportunity and inspired by the experience. They appreciated the fraternal hospitality of the members of the [...]

December 11 1899

December 11th, 2018|

Disappointing news came out of Rome when the Sacred Congregation convened and turned down the American Brothers' appeal which would have allowed them to teach Latin and Greek in Lasallian institutions in the U.S. and [...]

December 10 1989

December 10th, 2018|

A French Christian Brother noted for his prayerfulness and willingness to patiently shoulder "the daily grind," Brother Mutien Marie (1841-1917) of Belgium was declared a saint by Pope John Paul II.Brothers of the Christian Schools, [...]

December 9 1579

December 9th, 2018|

St. Martin de Porres was born this day in Lima (Peru) of biracial parents, and became a Dominican lay brother who developed a love for the poor and the ill. A ministry of DENA is [...]

December 8 1884

December 8th, 2018|

On the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, the main building at Ammendale (MD), except for the east and west wings which were constructed soon thereafter, was ready for occupancy by the Novices and Junior Novices [...]

December 7 2018

December 7th, 2018|

Today is the feast day of St. Ambrose. In his meditation for this day, De La Salle wrote, "Often ask God for the grace to touch hearts, as he [St. Ambrose] did; this is the [...]

The Brothers’ Annual Community Director Workshop

December 6th, 2018|

The Community Directors gathered in Eatontown, along with the District's Brother leadership   Eatontown, NJ - Twenty-five Brothers gathered in Eatontown for the annual Community Directors' Workshop. An opportunity for association and camaraderie, [...]

December 6 2018

December 6th, 2018|

Today is the feast day of St. Nicholas, the patron saint of children and--eventually--the the inspiration behind Santa Claus. De La Salle's meditation for this day reads in part, "The obligation that you have to [...]

December 5 1716

December 5th, 2018|

On this day, De La Salle wrote a letter to Brother Gabriel Drolin who was earlier synonymous with the "Heroic Vow." The Founder wrote in part, "I have had many disappointments during this time. At [...]

A New Home in Canada

December 4th, 2018|

Toronto, Canada - As we begin a new liturgical year eight of our Brothers in Canada have begun living in their new home. The address, which is in our District Directory, is 61 Fairfax Crescent, [...]

December 4 1906

December 4th, 2018|

After two decades of being located in the Amawalk Valley (NY), the New York District Novitiate was relocated to the new structure at Pocantico Hills, the hilliest section of Westchester County (NY).Brothers of the Christian [...]

  • Christmas 1969 at Lincoln Hall with Brother Michael Dwyer

December 1969

December 3rd, 2018|

Santa gets a lift from Brother Michael Dwyer at the annual Lincoln Hall Christmas Party, December 1969. Lincoln Hall, a school for troubled boys in Lincolndale, NY, was run by the Christian Brothers until 1981. [...]

December 3 1803

December 3rd, 2018|

In the wake of the tragic French Revolution, Bro. Frumence (Vicar General of the Institute with powers of a superior general) obtained a decree re-establishing the Institute in France with authorization to fix its headquarters [...]

December 2 1906

December 2nd, 2018|

After Sacred Heart College was destroyed during the famous San Francisco earthquake (April 1906), a temporary facility was opened for the school on this date that year.Bulletin des Ecoles Chretiennes, Vol. 1, March 1907, p. [...]

December 1 1936

December 1st, 2018|

The Christian Brothers of the Quebec Commercial Academy hosted a grand reception for the visiting Bishop of Sendai (Japan), Bishop Marie-Joseph Lemieux, O.P.Bulletin des Ecoles Chretiennes Vol. 25 (April 1937), pp. 207-208.

November 30 1926

November 30th, 2018|

The upper stories of St. Michael's College (Santa Fe, NM) were destroyed by fire. The remainder of the building was saved by students themselves, who assisted firemen by taking the hoses into their own frozen [...]

November 29 1906

November 29th, 2018|

As the New York District novices and postulants prepared to leave Ammendale to return to their own District after a temporary three-year relocation, an entertainment was given to the New Yorkers by their Baltimore counterparts. [...]