Past News Articles

November 14 1864

November 14th, 2018|

The Christian Brothers came to the city of Ottawa, the capital of the soon-to-be-established Dominion of Canada, and opened their school of Notre Dame on this day in 1864.W. J. Battersby [FSC], History of the [...]

Brother on Ice

November 13th, 2018|

Washington, DC - Brother Paul Avvento has discovered a way to “chill” in DC. As the assistant coach of the girls’ ice hockey team at St. John’s College High School, Brother Paul laces up his skates [...]

November 13 1880

November 13th, 2018|

The Novices and one postulant of the Baltimore District, with Brothers Alician and Victor, moved from Baltimore to the first (temporary) structure at Ammendale (MD). The novitiate remained on this property for nearly a century--until [...]

November 12 1980

November 12th, 2018|

"Brothers in Concert," showcasing the talents of Bro. Vincent Malham and Bro. Laurence Walther as duo pianists and vocalists, was presented at La Salle College (later University) to help celebrate the 300th anniversary of the [...]

November 11 1928

November 11th, 2018|

Election of Brother Adrien as Superior General of the Institute. He served in this post until 1934. Did you know that Bro. Adrien succeeded his own sibling (Bro. Allais-Charles; died 1928) as Superior General?Christian Brothers [...]

November 10 1900

November 10th, 2018|

A Gothic side altar honoring St. John Baptist de La Salle was erected within St. Patrick's Cathedral (New York) and was dedicated by Archbishop Corrigan on this day.Bro. Angelus Gabriel, The History of the Christian [...]

November 9 1924

November 9th, 2018|

The cornerstone of the new La Salle Academy (Providence, RI) was laid and in the following year the structure was completed.Journey in Retrospect: A Century of Service, 1848-1948 (Brothers of the Christian Schools, New York [...]

Matthew Billings – Lasallian Spotlight

November 8th, 2018|

Graduate Student Manhattan College From: Graduate Student Completes NYC Marathon in Ongoing Service Effort This summer, Matthew Billings ’20 (M.S.) ran 4,000 miles from San Francisco to New York to raise awareness and funds for [...]

Brother James Miller to be Beatified by Vatican

November 8th, 2018|

Br. James Miller, FSC Burr Ridge, IL – Pope Francis has decreed that De La Salle Christian Brother, Brother James Miller, FSC, was killed out of hatred for the Catholic faith during Guatemala's [...]

Sunday Gospel Reflection (11/11/18)

November 8th, 2018|

Gospel - Mark 12:38-44 In the course of his teaching Jesus said to the crowds, "Beware of the scribes, who like to go around in long robes and accept greetings in the marketplaces, seats of [...]

November 8 1887

November 8th, 2018|

The Golden (50th) anniversary of the Lasallian presence in Canada was held. The sole survivor of those four pioneers (Bro. Adelbertus) participated in the observance.Bro. Angelus Gabriel, The History of the Christian Brothers in the [...]

UPDATE: Pray for Tree of Life – Pittsburgh

November 7th, 2018|

UPDATE: Rabbi Bisno of Rodef Shalom joined the Central Catholic High School community for a school-wide prayer service Wednesday morning November 7th, to honor and remember the victims of the October 27th Tree of Life tragedy. [...]

November 7 1837

November 7th, 2018|

The first four Christian Brothers on the North American continent, led by Brother Aidant, finally reached their destination of Montreal after an arduous trek from France. Their first school would open over a month later.Bro. [...]

We Are Honored to Welcome You

November 6th, 2018|

Asbury Park, NJ - “We are honored to welcome you,” was the greeting one of the advanced English students in the adult education program in Asbury Park offered to the guests gathered at the classroom [...]

Young Brother and Contact featured at 2018 NRVC Convocation

November 5th, 2018|

Buffalo, NY - The National Religious Vocation Conference (NRVC), a professional organization of vocation ministers that presents religious life as a viable option in the Catholic Church, recently held its annual Convocation in Buffalo, NY. The [...]

November 6 2018

November 5th, 2018|

Today the Church marks the Optional Memorial of the Blessed Spanish Martyrs of the 20th Century. They gave their lives during the tumultuous Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) in Almeria, Valencia, Barcelona, Cartagena, Ciudad Real, Toledo, [...]

November 5 1945

November 5th, 2018|

The death day of Mrs. Louise (Drexel) Morrell, the sister of St. Katherine Drexel. Mrs. Morrell was the guiding force behind Lasallian ministries at St. Francis Vocational School (Eddington, PA) for at-risk boys and at [...]

November 4 1959

November 4th, 2018|

On this day, ground was broken in Towson (MD) for the new campus for Calvert Hall College High School, which had been cramped for space for so long in downtown Baltimore. Exacttly one year later [...]

November 3 1837

November 3rd, 2018|

The first four Brothers to venture to North America arrived in New York City after sailing over three weeks from France. From New York they travelled up the Hudson to Albany and to Troy, and [...]

November 2 1870

November 2nd, 2018|

The first 11 years in Santa Fe (St. Michael's College) proved extremely challenging to the pioneer Brothers there, and withdrawal was seriously considered. But Brother Botulph (Schneider) arrived from New York on this date with [...]

A Shared Heritage

November 1st, 2018|

The Heritage on Tap Speakers: Bro. Martin Zewe, FSC, SJC French teacher Randi Butler and SJC English teacher Bro. Paul Avvento, FSC. Beltsville, MD - On Oct. 24, a group of 25 St. [...]

Sunday Gospel Reflection (11/04/18)

November 1st, 2018|

Gospel - Mark 12:28-34 One of the scribes came to Jesus and asked him, "Which is the first of all the commandments?" Jesus replied, "The first is this: Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God [...]

November 1 1959

November 1st, 2018|

Around Labor Day 1959, St. John's College High School finally opened its much-anticipated Military Road campus in Washington, after standing on Vermont Avenue (downtown) for eight decades. On this day, however, the building was officially [...]