Past News Articles

  • Jean Bernard Scubilion

Blessed Scubilion Rousseau

September 25th, 2018|

Born in Annay la-Côte, France March 21, 1797 Entered the novitiate December 24, 1822 Died on the Island of Reunion April 13, 1867 Beatified May 2, 1989 As a devout young man in his native [...]

September 25, 1960

September 25th, 2018|

With vocations flourishing, the Baltimore District needed a second house of studies on the Elkins Park (PA) property to complement Anselm Hall. Bishop-elect Furey broke ground on this date for the new St. Joseph’s Hall, [...]

September 24, 1958

September 24th, 2018|

In a letter dated “Feast of Our Lady of Ransom, 1958” [September 24], the first editor of Lasallian Digest, Brother Robert of Mary (Pace) explained to his readers that the word “Lasallian” was coined by [...]

September 23, 1894

September 23rd, 2018|

The five-story structure which housed St. Mary’s College in Oakland (CA), commonly dubbed as “The Old Brick Pile,” was nearly destroyed by fire. For more than one year, classes had to be conducted on the [...]

September 22, 1936

September 22nd, 2018|

The first Mass was celebrated on the new Generalate (world headquarters) property on the Via Aurelia in Rome, specifically in the chapel of the Second Novitiate building. Maurice Hermans (FSC), The Generalate of the Brothers [...]

September 21, 1944

September 21st, 2018|

Birth date of James Miller near Stevens Point (WI). James received the Robe in 1962 at the St. Louis District Novitiate in Glencoe (MO) with the religious name of Brother Leo William. Reverting to the [...]

Three New Board Members Including Graduate at San Miguel

September 20th, 2018|

Providence, RI The San Miguel School Board of Directors has appointed three new members to its governing body, effective July 1, 2018. Joseph Schwartz currently works as an independent investment management professional. He is a [...]

Sunday Gospel Reflection (09/23/18)

September 20th, 2018|

Gospel - Mark 9:30-37 Jesus and his disciples left from there and began a journey through Galilee, but he did not wish anyone to know about it. He was teaching his disciples and telling them, [...]

September 20, 1903

September 20th, 2018|

As the 20th century began, much of the New York District’s novitiate property at Amawalk (NY) was condemned in order to protect the Croton watershed and its source of water for New York City. State [...]

September 19, 1948

September 19th, 2018|

As part of a special Commencement program on the campus, Benilde Hall was blessed and dedicated on the campus of La Salle College (Philadelphia). Named in honor of the recently-beatified French Christian Brother, Benilde Hall’s [...]

September 18, 1894

September 18th, 2018|

Documents were officially approved by the state of Maryland whereby Calvert Hall College in Baltimore was incorporated. Five Christian Brothers had personally filed for this procedure five weeks earlier (August 14). Calvert Hall is the [...]

Brother Ralph Bucci Displays Sculpture

September 17th, 2018|

Middletown, RI - A sampling of Brother Ralph Bucci’s ceramic sculptures is currently on display at the De Blois Gallery in Middletown, RI. The show runs through 30 September. Click here for some photos and [...]

De La Salle on the Farm

September 17th, 2018|

Freeport, NY - Monday, September 10 The De La Salle School parking lot was filled with excitement and nervousness as the parents of the fifth and eighth grade students watched their sons board the coach [...]

September 17, 1798

September 17th, 2018|

The death certificate, bearing this date, reported the demise (on the day before) of Brother Agathon, Superior General. Backstory: Brother Agathon had earlier been sentenced to death by authorities during the French Revolution, but this [...]

September 16, 1995

September 16th, 2018|

A well-attended Mass of Thanksgiving was celebrated by Cardinal William Keeler of Baltimore at the Basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, catercorner to the site of the second Calvert Hall (built in [...]

September 15, 1972

September 15th, 2018|

Brother Charles Henry Buttimer, Superior General, visited La Salle College (now University) in Philadelphia. Brother Jeremy McNamara (Visitor, Baltimore District) led 200 Brothers in welcoming him at a special Mass on the campus, presided by [...]

September 14, 1897

September 14th, 2018|

Three Christian Brothers started conducting classes at St. Thomas College in Scranton for 21 students. St. Thomas College had opened in 1892 under the control of diocesan priests and laymen, followed by the Xaverian Brothers, [...]

CBA Syracuse Summer of Service

September 13th, 2018|

Dewitt, NY - Christian Brothers Academy students recently participated in a Summer Servants Mission Trip. Rising seniors Emily Bilynsky, Nini LeVu, Sarah MacLachlan, and McKenna Purcell, and rising junior, Shruti Zirath, participated in the mission [...]

Sunday Gospel Reflection (09/16/18)

September 13th, 2018|

Gospel - Mark 8:27-35 Jesus and his disciples set out for the villages of Caesarea Philippi. Along the way he asked his disciples, "Who do people say that I am?" They said in reply, "John [...]

September 13, 1906

September 13th, 2018|

Bishop McDonnell dedicated St. Cecilia’s Parish School in Brooklyn; for years it was the largest parish school in the Brooklyn Diocese. Brother A. John, ed. Journey in Retrospect A Century of Service 1848-1948 (New York [...]

September 13, 1906

September 13th, 2018|

Bishop McDonnell dedicated St. Cecilia’s Parish School in Brooklyn; for years it was the largest parish school in the Brooklyn Diocese. Brother A. John, ed. Journey in Retrospect A Century of Service 1848-1948 (New York [...]

September 12, 1933

September 12th, 2018|

The Christian Brothers started their teaching ministry at St. Mary’s College in Winona (MN). St. Mary’s had earlier been founded and conducted in 1912 by the Diocese of Winona. Bulletin des Ecoles Chretiennes, Vol. 22, [...]

Meet the Brothers of La Salle University

September 11th, 2018|

Philadelphia, PA - During the recent orientation program for new students at La Salle University, the following video was shown, introducing The Founder, and six of our many Brothers ministering at La Salle. This introduction [...]