Past News Articles

September 11, 1846

September 11th, 2018|

Brother Leopold (Rubier) was sent to Calvert Hall in Baltimore to begin the first Lasallian novitiate in the United States. Brother Angelus Gabriel (FSC), The Christian Brothers in the United States 1848-1948 A Century of [...]

September 10, 1930

September 10th, 2018|

The New York District’s sprawling new Motherhouse, located about 100 miles north of New York City at Barrytown (NY), was dedicated by Cardinal Hayes. Brother Angelus Gabriel (FSC), The Christian Brothers in the United States [...]

September 9, 2009

September 9th, 2018|

This day was the official start-up date for the new District of Eastern North America, formed by the amalgamation of the historic Districts of Baltimore, New York, and Long Island-New England. The Toronto Delegation had [...]

September 8, 1845

September 8th, 2018|

The first Christian Brothers associated with the Cathedral Parish School at the original Calvert Hall (Baltimore) registered the students for the school year. A week later (September 15), they began their teaching ministry there as [...]

Random Act of Kindness at La Salle School

September 7th, 2018|

Albany, NY - Albany Medical Center Children's Hospital was thrilled to accept a donation from LaSalle. As part of a mindfulness classroom project, Dylan spearheaded a donation drive to collect enough toys and activities to [...]

September 7, 1907

September 7th, 2018|

A newspaper (The Catholic News, likely from New York) printed a three-stanza poem about Pocantico Hills, the Motherhouse of the New York District. The poem was published in English in a French-language Institute publication. Bulletin [...]

Sunday Gospel Reflection (09/09/18)

September 6th, 2018|

Gospel - Mark 7:31-37 Again Jesus left the district of Tyre and went by way of Sidon to the Sea of Galilee, into the district of the Decapolis. And people brought to him a deaf [...]

September 6, 1910

September 6th, 2018|

St. Mary Magdalene Parish School on Fillmore Avenue in Buffalo (NY) opened. The Christian Brothers taught the sixth, seventh, and eighth grade boys; the first Lasallian principal was Bro. Albeus Jerome. Brother A. John, ed. [...]

September 5, 1932

September 5th, 2018|

On Labor Day of that year, the Motherhouse of the San Francisco District at Mont La Salle, near Napa (CA), was dedicated by Archbishop Hanna. Brother Angelus Gabriel (FSC), The Christian Brothers in the United [...]

Mission Cooperative

September 4th, 2018|

Eatontown, NJ - During more than one hundred Masses this summer members of the congregations learned about the missionary work of our DENA confreres in various apostolates overseas. The settings for this educational activity were [...]

September 4, 1817

September 4th, 2018|

The first-ever Christian Brothers to teach in the United States arrived in Annapolis (MD) after sailing from France for 65 days. These pioneers (Brothers Aubin, Fulgence, and Antonin) would soon depart for Bardstown (KY) to [...]

September 3, 1907

September 3rd, 2018|

Five Brothers from the St. Louis District relieved the Sisters of St. Francis and began teaching classes on this date at St. John’s School for Catholic Indians. The location was near Gray Horse (OK), about [...]

September 2, 1792

September 2nd, 2018|

Brother Solomon, secretary to Brother Agathon (Superior General), suffered martyrdom. Brother Solomon had refused to take the oath to support the Civil Constitution of the Clergy, was arrested, and was imprisoned with others who resisted [...]

Ocean Tides adds Music to School Electives

September 1st, 2018|

Narragansett, RI - This year's Ocean Tides' 5th Quarter Summer School program not only allowed students to catch up on any school work or quarter of academic progress missed during the school year, but also [...]

September 1, 1872

September 1st, 2018|

The Catholic Protectorate of St. Louis, located in nearby Glencoe (MO), opened under direction of Bro. Immanuel of Mary and four other Brothers. Later, in 1886, the St. Louis District Novitiate moved from Carondolet (near [...]

Region’s Summer Formation Wrap Up

August 30th, 2018|

Bronx, NY - This year’s Buttimer Institute of Lasallian Studies took place June 24 – July 7 at Manhattan College in Riverdale, New York, with 40 participants in Buttimer I, 35 in Buttimer II and [...]

Sunday Gospel Reflection (09/02/18)

August 30th, 2018|

Gospel - Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 When the Pharisees with some scribes who had come from Jerusalem gathered around Jesus, they observed that some of his disciples ate their meals with unclean, that is, unwashed, [...]

Sunday Gospel

August 30th, 2018|

Gospel - Mark 7:1-8;14-15;21-23 When the Pharisees with some scribes who had come from Jerusalem gathered around Jesus, they observed that some of his disciples ate their meals with unclean, that is, unwashed, hands. —For [...]

Monmouth County Fair

August 28th, 2018|

Lincroft, NJ - Earlier this summer at the Monmouth County (NJ) Fair several members of the De La Salle Hall community received awards for the artwork they submitted in the Senior Center Competition. Both sculptures [...]

Sunday Gospel Reflection (08/26/18)

August 23rd, 2018|

Gospel - John 6:60-69 Many of Jesus' disciples who were listening said, "This saying is hard; who can accept it?" Since Jesus knew that his disciples were murmuring about this, he said to them, "Does [...]

Bishop Fenwick High School

August 20th, 2018|

Peabody, MA - Brother Thomas Zoppo’s successful leadership at Bishop Fenwick High School, an archdiocesan school in Peabody, MA, has prompted Cardinal Seán O’Malley to engage his school community in a new venture to enhance [...]

This Month in History: September 2018

August 20th, 2018|

President Harry Truman joins the Brothers at the Christian Brothers Education Association 13th annual conference, 1951. Christian Brothers gathered for the Christian Brothers Educational Association (CBEA) annual national conference at De La Salle College in [...]

Sunday Gospel Reflection (08/19/18)

August 16th, 2018|

Gospel - John 6:51-58 Jesus said to the crowds: "I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my [...]

  • Blessed Martyrs of the Rochefort

Blessed Martyrs of the Rochefort

August 15th, 2018|

On Sunday, October 1, 1995, His Holiness John Paul II beatified 64 martyrs: the priest John Baptist Souzy’s group (the Vicar General of La Rochelle), who, along with 63 companions, died as victims of suffering [...]