Past News Articles
John Johnston Institute Spring Sessions 2018
Pocono Manor, PA - Participants of the second cohort of the Brother John Johnston Institute of Contemporary Lasallian Practice gathered for three days by District over the course of three weekends in March. This was [...]
Brothers in Initial Formation Gathering Renew Vows and Promises
Brothers in Initial Formation are joined by fellow Brothers from around the Region, with many from the Midwest District. Memphis, TN - Christian Brothers in Initial Formation throughout the Lasallian Region of [...]
Brother Joseph is Honorary Patron of Bethlehem University
Brothers Dominic Smith, Dennis Lee, and Jack Curran with the honoree, Brother Joseph Loewenstein, FSC. New York, NY - In recognition of his extraordinary service to Bethlehem University, Brother Joseph Loewenstein was invested [...]
Sunday Gospel Reflection (04/08/18)
Gospel - John 20:19-31 Second Sunday of Easter On the evening of that first day of the week, when the doors were locked, where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and [...]
Observing the Triduum
Chicago, IL - A tradition in the Midwest District involves gathering the Brothers of the District to observed the Triduum together. This annual experience of prayer and fraternity occurs at Mundelein Seminary a venue named [...]
Brother Patrick Power, FSC
1912 - 2018 Words of Remembrance for Brother Patrick Power, FSC Delivered by Brother Colman Coogan, FSC Mass of Christian Burial La Salle Hall, Ammendale, MD April 9, 2018 Even to your old age, I [...]
Freeport Boys’ School Owes its Life to Alumni of Closed Academy
Danny, a fifth-grader at The De La Salle School in Freeport, works on a Chromebook as he talks with William L. Gault, the school's executive director. Photo by Jeff Bachner Freeport, NY - [...]
Easter Sunday (4/1/18)
Gospel John 20:1-9 On the first day of the week, Mary of Magdala came to the tomb early in the morning, while it was still dark, and saw the stone removed from the tomb. So [...]
CBA Students In Service to our Lasallians in Jamaica
CBA students Hannah Aldrich, Grace O’Connor and Joe Akl with St. Vincent Strambi students and Brother John McDonnell. Dewitt, NY -Christian Brothers Academy faculty member Vin Horan, along with students Lucy Person, Madison [...]
Out of Africa
Seated left to right are Brother Stephen Caplice, Brother Francis McCrea, Mrs. Yvette Connell, AFSC, Brother Bud Knight, Brother Joseph Loewenstein, and Mr. Jack Connell, AFSC. Standing left to right are Brothers Brendan Foley, [...]
Manhattan College Engineers Lauch Water/Solar Project in Puerto Rico
A team of Manhattan chemical engineering students construct a plan to bring power and clean water to a Lasallian grade school in Puerto Rico. A team largely comprised of Manhattan College chemical engineers strive [...]
LASSCA Stands with Students
Post Parkland, LASSCA Stands with Students, Issues Statement of Solidarity UPDATE: In light of the March for Our Lives in Washington DC at the nation's capitol, many smaller marches took place in local cities, with [...]
Lasallian Animators and Mission Council Gathering of 2018
The combined group of Lasallian Animators and the Association for Lasallian Mission Committee Lincroft, NJ - The annual joint meeting of the DENA Animators and Association for the Lasallian Mission Council was held March [...]
Intercapitular Assembly
Reflections on the Intercapitular Assembly of the Brothers of the Christian Schools March 4-18, 2018 Compiled by Brother Thomas Casey in consultation with Brothers Dennis Lee and Richard Galvin Rome, Italy - Being welcomed to [...]
Lenten Day at Narragansett
Narragansett, RI - On Saturday, March 3, 2018 The Office of Religious of the Diocese of Providence held a Lenten Day of Recollection at Christian Brothers Center, Narragansett, RI. The main presenter was Brother Vincent [...]
The Brothers’ Intercapitular Assembly in Rome
Rome, Italy - The Intercapitular Assembly is underway at the Generalate, and runs from March 4-17, 2018. Bringing together the Superior General, General Councilors, Brother Visitors and Auxiliary Visitors, and appointed delegates, this Assembly marks [...]
La Salle School Announces New Executive Director
Mr. David Wallace Albany, NY - The Board of Trustees of LaSalle School announced the selection of Mr. David Wallace to be the next Executive Director of LaSalle School. Dave will be the [...]
St. Joseph’s Collegiate Announces New Principal
Buffalo, NY - St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute President Robert T. Scott, AFSC today announced the appointment of alumnus James Spillman as Principal. Spillman, who earned a bachelor’s and two master’s degrees from Boston College, brings [...]
Basilica of SS. John and Paul
Rome, Italy - Fr. Lawrence Rywalt, CP welcomed Brothers Thomas Casey and Rich Galvin to the Basilica of SS. John and Paul in Rome. Larry, an alumnus of St. Raymond’s Boys High School, is a [...]
Dream Dress to Help Twinning Dreams Come True
Alessandra Sommers and Marina Hatem DeWitt, NY - Christian Brothers Academy seniors Alessandra Sommers and Marina Hatem, came up with an idea last year to collect gently used prom, formal, and semi-formal dresses, [...]
St. John’s Poverty Week Educates/Advocates for the Poor, Raises Twinning Funds
From March 5-9, the St. John’s community observed its 10th annual Poverty Education Week. Washington, DC - St. John’s annual Poverty Education Week, which takes place during the Lenten season, is one way the St. [...]
Long Time “Oaklands” Lasallian Appointed New Principal
Toronto, Canada - De La Salle College "Oaklands" announced that Mr. Robert Lundy has been appointed to the position of Principal effective July 1, 2018. Mr. Lundy is in his 22nd year at De La [...]
Brother Jack Curran on 60 Minutes
Brother Jack Curran recently made a cameo appearance on 60 Minutes. The show featured an artist who simply goes by JR. He is known for posting giant photographs in over 140 countries around the world. [...]
Three CBA Students Named Finalists In National Merit Scholarship Program
Dewitt, NY - Christian Brothers Academy seniors Grace Getman, Hari Nanthakumar and Katherine Toole have been named Finalists in the 2018 National Merit Scholarship Program. All three students were among the Semifinalists named in September [...]
$25 Million Gift to Manhattan College
Riverdale, NY - Manhattan College announced that Tom O'Malley, a 1963 graduate of Manhattan College, has committed to provide the largest gift in the college's history: $25 million to increase student scholarships and grants, while [...]