Past News Articles
RELAN’s Colleges and Universities Create Stronger Mission Through Colloquy
Group photo of Colloquy participants. Marriottsville, MD - Inspired by the Lasallian principle of together and by association, and cognizant of and grateful for our pluri-religious and interfaith realities, the January 2018 Colloquy (Jan. [...]
Celebrating 35 Years, Tides Family Services Focuses Firmly on Future
Tides Family Services focuses firmly on future with their leaders Beth Bixby and Br. Michael Reis Beth Bixby, 17-year nonprofit leader, to assume role of CEO – while Brother Michael Reis transitions to [...]
Brother Peter in Mexico
Brother Peter Killeen continues to strengthen his skills in Spanish and just began his second semester as an English teacher on the faculty at Universidad La Salle in Mexico City. Peter lives in residence with [...]
Lasallian Higher Education Featured in Anti-Human Trafficking Report
Agents of Awakening at U.S. Catholic Colleges and Universities Philadelphia, PA - La Salle University, Lewis University, Manhattan College, and Saint Mary’s College of California are four Lasallian Catholic institutions featured among 102 Catholic colleges [...]
PIE (Personal Improvement Educational) Plan
While PIE serves as an acronym for Personal Improvement Educational Plan each letter also reminds of important aspects of Lasallian Pedagogy. "P" “P” stands for and reminds that Planning Prevents Poor Performance! Good teachers are not lucky for [...]
Lasallian Association of Elementary and Middle Schools Formation Gathering
Eatontown, NJ - There were 60 Lasallian educators in attendance for the bi-annual Lasallian Association of Elementary and Middle Schools conference from Thursday, January 25, through Saturday, January 27. This formation is an opportunity for these San [...]
Manhattan College’s President Recognized as Bronx Influential Leader
Dr. Brennan O'Donnell was named one of top 25 influencers in the borough. Riverdale, NY - Manhattan College president Brennan O’Donnell has been named one of 25 top influencers throughout the Bronx, by City & State [...]
San Francisco New Orleans Brother Named Delegate to Rome Pre-Synod Gathering
Br. Javier Hansen, FSC Napa, CA / Washington, DC - The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has announced that Brother Javier Hansen, FSC, of the District of San Francisco New Orleans [...]
January RCCB Meeting Concludes
Brothers James Joost,Tim Coldwell, Larry Schatz, Dennis Lee, Florent Gaudreault, Donald Johanson, Bede Baldry, Richard Galvin, Thomas Casey, and John Guasconi. Napa, CA - The Regional Conference of Christian Brothers (RCCB) met at Mont [...]
LV Retreat – In Winter Silence: We Listen
Brant Lake, NY - The 2017-2018 Lasallian Volunteers (LVs) gathered for the annual Midyear Retreat from January 12-15 in Brant Lake, New York. The weekend was facilitated by Maryann Donohue-Lynch, associate executive director for Mission [...]
Sunday Gospel Reflection (01/28/18)
Gospel - Mark 1:21-28 Then they came to Capernaum, and on the sabbath Jesus entered the synagogue and taught. The people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority and [...]
Lasallians Participate in March for Life
St. Raymond High School March for Life group. Washington, DC - On Friday, January 19, Lasallians from around the country gathered in our nation's capital for the annual March for Life. From our District, [...]
Br. Richard Kestler, FSC Awarded Papal Honor
Brother Richard Kestler, right, with Brother Joseph Willard of La Salle University, left, with other award recipients Philadelphia, PA - Pope Francis has bestowed papal honors upon 28 women and men in the [...]
Sunday Gospel Reflection (01/21/18)
Gospel - Mark 1:14-20 After John had been arrested, Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the gospel of God: "This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in [...]
Contact Retreat
Philadelphia, PA - Due to inclement weather the January 4 - 7 retreat for our Contacts was cancelled. However, the intended presenter, Brother Robert Schaefer, conducted an abbreviated retreat for two DENA Contacts Jesse Brodka [...]
Mr. Terry Murray – Lasallian Spotlight
English/Psychology Teacher Saint Raphael Academy – Pawtucket, RI One of the most beloved teachers in Saint Raphael Academy’s long history was recognized for his outstanding teaching on December 20, 2017, with a Golden Apple Award. [...]
Lasallian Youth & Family Service Agencies Educate Future Child Welfare Workers
West Warwick / Narragansett, RI - Tides Family Services and Ocean Tides, two of our Lasallian Youth and Family Services ministries, located in Rhode Island, collaborated throughout the week of January 8-12, 2018, with the [...]
Manhattan Sophomore Battled Homelessness on Road to NCAA
Lasallians Unfiltered – From homeless, to finding a home at Manhattan College... “I was lost. I was pretty much alone...Sometimes I just don’t believe it. I’ll wake up and I can’t believe I’m here...” published by [...]
Sunday Gospel Reflection 01/14/18
Gospel - John 1:35-42 John was standing with two of his disciples, and as he watched Jesus walk by, he said, "Behold, the Lamb of God." The two disciples heard what he said and followed [...]
Brother Robert Releases Pastoral Letter
Rome, Italy - Brother Superior General Robert Schieler, FSC, has released a pastoral letter to the Brothers, entitled “Set out in Haste: Association for the Lasallian Mission.” In it, he encourages Brothers to be active [...]
Brothers of the Christian Schools Hold Dual Vocation
Bro. Robert Carnaghi, FSC, left, and Bro. Ken Kalinowski, FSC, professed members of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, serve at De La Salle Collegiate High School in Warren. Courtesy of Vicki Granger [...]
Five SJC Presidents
Gathered at the St. John’s President’s Medal Celebration Dinner Marriott Marquis Washington, DC November 3, 20017
Brothers Reappointed to Leadership of SFNO
The Leadership Team of the San Francisco New Orleans District. Napa, CA - Br. Donald Johanson, FSC, and Br. James Joost, FSC, have been reappointed Visitor and Auxiliary Visitor, respectively, of the [...]
National Migration Week 2018
January 7-13, 2018 - Many Journeys, One Family For nearly a half century, the Catholic Church in the United States has celebrated National Migration Week, which is an opportunity for the Church to reflect on [...]
Nyzair Robinson
2017 Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of Nyzair Robinson The leadership of the Brothers of the Christian Schools District of Eastern North America is saddened to hear the news of the [...]