Past News Articles
Sunday Gospel Reflection (11/12/17)
Gospel - Matthew 25:1-13 Jesus told his disciples this parable: "The kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish [...]
Saints Host Blanket Drive for Pawtucket Soup Kitchen
Pawtucket, RI - Saint Raphael Academy held a blanket drive where they gathered about 150 new and gently used blankets that will be given to guests of the Pawtucket Soup Kitchen as winter approaches. The [...]
Manhattan College Students Launch Community Cleanup
Riverdale, NY - Nov. 8, 2017 — On the morning of Sunday, Nov. 5, nearly 100 Manhattan College students from a wide variety of on-campus groups came together to clean up the streets of Riverdale surrounding [...]
Emily Hanycz
2017 Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of Emily Hanycz The leadership of the Brothers of the Christian Schools District of Eastern North America is saddened to hear the news of the [...]
La Salle Academy Philadelphia Celebrating 15 Years
Sister Jeanne McGowan, and La Salle Academy graduate, Nasir Haqq. Philadelphia, PA - La Salle Academy celebrated its 15th anniversary at a Mass of Thanksgiving on Sunday, November 5. The Mass of Thanksgiving [...]
Pray for Sutherland Springs
As one Lasallian family, let us continue to pray for peace in our world especially for the innocent victims of the violence in Sutherland Springs, Texas. We pray for those who lost their lives and [...]
Final News from the Women’s Symposium
The Region's participants Lasallian Global Women’s Symposium From The Quadrangle - Manhattan College's student newspaper Jaspers Attend Lasallian Women’s Symposium in New Zealand This summer two female Jaspers traveled over 8,000 miles to [...]
Vocation Awareness Week Nov. 5 – 11
As a Lasallian Family, let us invite young people to consider a Religious Vocation! National Vocation Awareness Week (NVAW) is an annual week-long celebration of the Catholic Church in the United States dedicated to promote [...]
Pray for New York City
As one Lasallian family, let us continue to pray for peace in our world especially for the innocent victims of the violence in New York, a city that is home to a number of our [...]
Sunday Gospel Reflection (11/05/17)
Gospel - Matthew 23:1-12 Jesus spoke to the crowds and to his disciples, saying, "The scribes and the Pharisees have taken their seat on the chair of Moses. Therefore, do and observe all things whatsoever [...]
St. Peter’s Boys High School Centennial Celebration
All of the Brothers gathered for the Centennial celebration, along with Cardinal Dolan. Staten Island, NY - The "Celebration of the Century" certainly lived up to its name -- and then some -- [...]
La Salle School Educates about ACEs
Albany, NY - In a brief, four minute, radio interview on October 23rd, LaSalle School Executive Director Bill Wolff joined Martha Johnson from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to cast a light on adverse childhood [...]
New De La Salle Today Focuses on Technology
The latest issue of De La Salle Today focuses on technology in our Lasallian ministries. You’ll hear from Lasallians on a variety of tech-related topics, including how our use of technology as Lasallians relates to [...]
Sunday Gospel Reflection (10/29/17)
Gospel - Matthew 22:34-4o When the Pharisees heard that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together, and one of them, a scholar of the law tested him by asking, "Teacher, which commandment in the [...]
The Connells, Long-Time Lasallians, Receive Letters of Affiliation
The Connell family, and the Lasallian Community of Bedford Park Narragansett, RI - In September, in Our Lady of the Sea Chapel at Christian Brothers Center, long time Lasallians Yvette and John [...]
Update from Mont La Salle
Napa, CA - 10/30/17 - 8:30 AM PST Mont La Salle Clean-Up Progresses, DLSI Offices Re-Open - As clean-up and recovery operations at Mont La Salle continue, Brother Donald Johanson, Visitor, has announced that De [...]
Sunday Gospel Reflection (10/15/17)
Gospel - Matthew 22:1-14 Jesus again in reply spoke to the chief priests and elders of the people in parables, saying, "The kingdom of heaven may be likened to a king who gave a wedding [...]
ILDP 2017 Map
Dear Young Lasallians, Greetings of Peace! As we move on to the second half of the International Lasallian Days for Peace (ILDP) 2017, allow us to share through this Google map the various ILDP projects happening [...]
Tides Family Services Receives Extreme Makeover from the Community
Neighborhood Health Plan 1st shift of volunteers, show a little love to Tides submitted by Ms. Beth Lemme-Bixby, Chief Operating Officer Pawtucket, RI - Partnerships and working together is the key to success! [...]
DENA Culinary Contenders
There are two DENA FSC contenders for a role on the next episode of Iron Chef. Jasper Grilled Cheese and Chicago Hyde Park Ham are the culinary treats served up by our confreres.
2017 Christmas Card Contest
The Visit of the Shepherds The Lasallian District of Eastern North America (DENA) presents the 9th annual Christmas Card Contest open to all high school students in grades 9-12. The card will be sent to [...]
Brother Luke Salm Religious Education Workshop 2017
The Final Installment of a Trilogy of Workshops on the Growing Trend of Disaffiliated Youth The participants of the Br. Luke Salm Religious Educators Workshop - 2017 submitted by Ms. Maryann Donohue-Lynch, [...]
Christian Brothers Academy Named National Blue-Ribbon School
Lincroft, NJ — For the second time in the school’s history, Christian Brothers Academy has been named a National Blue Ribbon honoree by the United States Department of Education. Announced by U.S. Secretary of Education [...]
September 2017 Strambi News
New Administration at St. Vincent Strambi Catholic High School submitted by Br. John McDonnell, FSC Bull Savannah, P.A. - On June 26th, Mrs. Pauline Russell, Coordinator of Catholic Education for the Diocese of Mandeville, announced [...]
Moffa, Kang To Represent Christian Brothers Academy At NYSSMA All-State
Pictured with Principal Matt Keough are Hannah Kang (l) and Olivia Moffa. Dewitt, NY - Senior Olivia Moffa and junior Hannah Kang will represent Christian Brothers Academy at the 2017 NYSSMA Conference All-State [...]