Past News Articles
UPDATE – The Second Visitor of the District Named
UPDATE - 04/24/17 - Visitor Designate, Brother Dennis Lee, Announces Auxiliary Visitors, New and Continuing Brothers in Leadership Brothers and Lasallians, Br. Thomas Casey, FSC - Aux. Visitor First of all, I want [...]
Sunday Gospel Reflection (04/23/17)
Gospel - John 20:19-31 On the evening of that first day of the week, when the doors were locked, where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst [...]
CBA’s Nanthakumar Finalist At Intel Competition
Dewitt, NY - Christian Brothers Academy junior Hari Nanthakumar, was one of the three finalists selected from Central New York to participate at the Intel International Science and Engineering Competition to be held May 14-19 [...]
Mission Month at Manhattan College
Riverdale, NY – Throughout the month of April, known as Mission Month at Manhattan College, the College will host a series of events inspired by Saint John Baptist de La Salle, the founder of the [...]
Letters of Affiliation for Richard & Judith McKay
Richard and Judith McKay, center, receive their Letters of Affiliation from Brothers Edward Phelan and Dennis Lee, Aux. Visitors of DENA. Riverdale, NY - On Saturday, April 8th, bathed in the light of [...]
Easter Sunday (04/16/17)
Gospel – John 20:1-9 On the first day of the week, Mary of Magdala came to the tomb early in the morning, while it was still dark, and saw the stone removed from the tomb. [...]
Brisbane Student Makes United Nations Speech
New York, NY - Olivia Hargroder, a passionate year 12 Student from Southern Cross Catholic College in Scarborough, Queensland, made her public speaking debut at the United Nation’s 12th World Down Syndrome Day Conference in [...]
Battle of Pennies for Twinning
Brooklyn, NY - In keeping with its Twinning tradition, Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School is once again having an ongoing Penny War. Loughlin's student government is a House System and the competition follows that model. All [...]
Palm Sunday (04/09/17)
Gospel – Matthew 27:11-54 Jesus stood before the governor, Pontius Pilate, who questioned him, "Are you the king of the Jews?" Jesus said, "You say so." And when he was accused by the chief priests [...]
5th Annual Women’s Retreat – Roll Away the Stone
Narragansett, RI - The oceanside Christian Brothers Center in Narragansett, RI was once again the location for DENA’s annual Women’s Retreat. In its fifth year, this retreat has offered women the opportunity to reflect upon [...]
Strambi News Jan/Feb/Mar
Dear Brothers, Lasallian Colleagues and Friends, I wrote my last letter during the quiet of exam week back in December. I write you now with less than a month remaining in the second term and [...]
I Knew I Couldn’t Defy my Wife’s Alzheimer’s. I Learned to Embrace it Instead – Mr. James Ruck
Lasallians Unfiltered – Mr. James Ruck, most recently serving the mission with the Lasallian Volunteers, shares his struggles and acceptance of his wife, Gail's battle with Alzheimer's, and how faith shapes his day to day perspective [...]
De La Salle Freeport’s Blue Star Cafe Open for Twinning
Marcus and Gianni, both 7th grade, welcome students to the Blue Star Café, and are grateful for the donations for our twin school, Mwangaza College in Kenya. Freeport, NY - As is the [...]
General Councilors Explore Association in the District
Brothers Gustavo and Rafa at center with Br. Dennis Malloy, surrounded by members of the Mission Executive and District Councils. Lincroft, NJ - The District of Eastern North America had the privilege of [...]
Buttimer Institute Returns to Its Roots at Manhattan College
RIVERDALE, NY - During the summers of 2017 and 2018, the Buttimer Institute will return to where it began. From June 25 to July 8, Manhattan College will host the formation program after more than [...]
CBA Grad and NFL Punter Riley Dixon Visits CBA
Junior Christian Brothers Academy lacrosse players Kathleen Harrigan, Grace Hulslander, Claire Jeschke and Olivia Penoyer were thrilled to meet Riley Dixon. Dewitt, NY - Denver Broncos punter Riley Dixon ’11 visited his alma [...]
Fifth Sunday of Lent (04/02/17)
Gospel – John 11:3-7, 17, 20-27, 33B-45 The sisters of Lazarus sent word to Jesus, saying, "Master, the one you love is ill." When Jesus heard this he said, "This illness is not to end [...]
CBA Students Take Plunge For Camp Sunshine
Dewitt, NY - Eighteen Christian Brothers Academy students and three adults took “the plunge” and jumped into the icy waters of Oneida Lake recently, raising close to $16,000 to help support Camp Sunshine. The CBA [...]
Ministry Vice-Principals Gather for Spring Workshop
Eatontown, NJ - The Office for Mission and Ministry held its annual Spring Workshop, March 12-14 in Eatontown, New Jersey. This annual Workshop welcomed educators from ten of our secondary schools to gather “together and by [...]
Robert Scott, AFSC, Receives Diocesan Award
Bishop Medal Recipients, including Mr. Scott (third from left), and Tim Russert's Sr. Lucille Socciarelli / Fr. John Strum Making Difference Award recipients Buffalo, NY - Mr. Robert Scott, AFSC, received the Bishop's [...]
Lois Harr Receives Award for Work with Catholic Relief Services
(left to right) David Palasits, Executive VP of Catholic Relief Services; Danielle Corea, Relationship Manager, Catholic Relief Services Northeast Mid-Atlantic; the Rev. Joseph M. McShane, S.J., President of Fordham University; Lois Harr; Brennan O’Donnell, [...]
Brother Patrick Higgins, FSC
1927 - 2017 Words of Remembrance for Brother Patrick Higgins, FSC Delivered by Brother Joseph Brienza, FSC Mass of Christian Burial Christian Brothers Academy, Alumni Hall Lincroft, New Jersey March 11, 2017 From the Book [...]
CBA Students Celebrate Dr. Seuss Week With Elementary Students
Dewitt, NY - Twenty-five Christian Brothers Academy students helped students in Pre-K and First Grade at Meacham Elementary School celebrate Dr. Seuss Week on Friday, March 3. CBA students read books and worked on crafts [...]
Veteran Students Share Perspective on War & Peace at Manhattan
Riverdale, NY - Lending insight through their experiences in the United States Armed Forces, four Manhattan College veterans appeared on a panel this week that discussed peace during wartime, an increasingly important topic in [...]
St. Peter’s Grid Coach on Values
St. Peter's football coach Mark DeCristoforo, back right, is joined by players Shakim Douglas, Chris Ledlum and A.J. Mistler during a visit to P.S. 65. (Photo by Keri Kielty) By Charlie De [...]