Past News Articles
Being Himself and More
Br. Ricky Laguda, FSC - General Councilor for Region PARC Philippine Daily Inquirer August 26, 2014 issue Being himself and more Br. Ricardo P. Laguda, FSC An article talking about Br. Ricky Laguda's [...]
Sunday Gospel Reflection (10/26/14)
Gospel - Matthew 22: 34-40 After Jesus had made the Sadducees look foolish, the Pharisees heard about it and got together. One of them was an expert in the Jewish Law. So he tried to [...]
Manhattan College to Hold Open House on Sunday, Oct. 26
Prospective students and families invited to visit campus and explore different College departments and programs. Prospective students and their families are invited to attend Manhattan College’s Open House on Sunday, Oct. 26, when they will [...]
Br. Louis Rommel, FSC
1928-2014 Words of Remembrance for Brother Louis Rommel, FSC Given by Brother Peter Furlong, FSC and Brother Brian Carty, FSC October 23, 2014 Mass of Christian Burial De La Salle Hall, Lincroft, NJ Brother Peter [...]
Manhattan College Offers Six New Mechanical Engineering Certificates
College integrates new STEM graduate certificates within Mechanical Engineering program. With a continued focus on advancing science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) in the classroom, Manhattan College recently launched six new graduate certificates within the [...]
Sunday Gospel Reflection (10/19/14)
Gospel - Matthew 22:15-21 The Pharisees went off and plotted how they might entrap Jesus in speech. They sent their disciples to him, with the Herodians, saying, "Teacher, we know that you are a truthful [...]
The Distinguished Lasallian Educators of 2014
The District of Eastern North America is proud to present the 2014 Distinguished Lasallian Educators Each year The Brothers of the Christian Schools of the Lasallian Region of North America recognize Lasallian Educators for their [...]
2014 DENA Christmas Card Contest
The District of Eastern North America (DENA) presents the 6th annual Christmas Card Contest (open to all high school students in grades 9-12 of Lasallian schools in the DENA). The card will be sent to the Brothers and [...]
Manhattan College Students to Receive James Patterson Scholarships
Twenty Manhattan College Students to Receive James Patterson Scholarships College awards 20 juniors and seniors as the 2014-15 recipients of scholarships established by best-selling author James Patterson ’69. Best-selling author James Patterson ’69 will award [...]
ILDP – St. Raphael Academy Peace Flag Project
Lasallian Youth at Saint Raphael Academy sponsored a Peace Flag Project to celebrate the International Lasallian Days for Peace. Over 100 flags were made in several different languages, expressing students' thoughts and wishes for peace. [...]
Br. Edward McKenery, FSC
1935-2014 Words of Remembrance for Brother Edward McKenery, FSC Given by Brother Michael McKenery, FSC October 17, 2014 Mass of Christian Burial Blessed Sacrament Church, Providence, RI Let us remember we are in the Holy [...]
Lasallian Volunteers Honor its DENA Supporters
Lasallian Volunteers (LVs) honored supporters with the 2014 FSC Awards, which are named in the spirit of three De La Salle Christian Brothers who embody values of faith, service and community, and made significant contributions [...]
CBA Lincroft Aids Cardboard Box City
On September 26, 2014, while most of Monmouth County’s residents slept in their beds, more than 100 people slept in Cardboard Box City on the grounds of Monmouth Church of Christ in Tinton Falls. Forty [...]
Thirteen CBA Students Post Perfect Scores On ACTs and SATS
Eleven Christian Brothers Academy seniors and two juniors posted perfect scores on the ACTs and SATs recently. Members of the senior class include: Annie Caputo 36 on ACT English, Brianna Delaney 800 on SAT Critical [...]
Martin De Porres to Host “Morning of Reflection”
Human Trafficking and Slavery Around Us - How Does One Respond? Martin De Porres extends an invitation to a morning of reflection on Saturday, October 25 from 8:30 a.m to 1 p.m. be led by [...]
CBA Lincroft Student an Edwards Scholarship Recipient
Michael R. O’Connor, a 2014 graduate of Christian Brothers Academy in Lincroft, N.J., was recently named the third recipient of the College of William & Mary’s Michael Hardy Edwards Scholarship. Click here for the complete [...]
Annual Brother Casimir Gabriel Costello Award Given
Psychology Department’s Arno Kolz Receives Costello Excellence in Teaching Award Nominated by his students, the longtime Manhattan College professor was honored at the annual Costello Lecture series. Arno Kolz, Ph.D., associate professor of psychology at [...]
DeLaSalle Oaklands News Items
Sr. School News: The start of a new school year is one filled with different emotions - of course, from the student's perspective, some sadness as summer vacation has come to an end and some [...]
New Programs at Manhattan
New Programs in Advanced Math Designed to Bridge Liberal Arts and Postgraduate Careers Manhattan College will offer a new master’s program and a combined bachelor’s and master’s degree in advanced mathematics to continue its focus [...]
CBA Held Second Annual Alumni Day of Service Oct. 4
Christian Brothers Academy held its second Annual Syracuse Alumni Day of Service on Satuday, October 4. This day of service was designed by the Mission and Ministry team at CBA to unite alumni by demonstrating [...]
Br. Nicholas Sullivan, FSC
1927-2014 Words of Remembrance for Brother Nicholas Sullivan, FSC Given by Brother Arthur Bangs, FSC October 9, 2014 Mass of Christian Burial La Salle University Chapel, Philadelphia, PA It is a privilege for me to [...]
Interfaith Discussion at Manhattan College on Oct. 20
Manhattan College’s Holocaust, Genocide and Interfaith Education Center to Host Interfaith Discussion on Current Events in the Middle East on Oct. 20 Religious leaders and scholars to lead open discussion entitled, Jews, Christians and Muslims: [...]
Sunday Gospel Reflection (10/12/14)
Gospel - Matthew 22:1-14 Jesus again in reply spoke to the chief priests and elders of the people in parables, saying, "The kingdom of heaven may be likened to a king who gave a wedding [...]
Drexel University, West Catholic Celebrate New Athletics Field
Drexel University, West Catholic Prep Celebrate Official Opening Of New Athletics Field Drexel University is opening up access to a new campus field for the football team from a high school neighbor. Cheerleaders from West [...]
Sister Elizabeth Johnson To Speak at Manhattan College on Oct. 7
Author of the newly published Ask the Beasts: Darwin and the God of Love, Sister Elizabeth Johnson ’70, CSJ, Distinguished Professor of Theology at Fordham University, will visit Manhattan College’s campus on Oct. 7 to [...]