Past News Articles

Dowayne Henry

May 25th, 2014|

1994-2014 Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of Dowayne Henry The Martin De Porres family tragically lost one of its employees, Dowayne Henry, age 20. Dowayne was beloved by his friends and [...]

Sunday Gospel Reflection (05/25/14)

May 23rd, 2014|

Gospel – John 14:15-21 Jesus said to his disciples: “If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you [...]

Br. Robert Schieler, FSC Named Superior General

May 20th, 2014|

Br. Robert Schieler, FSC - 27th Superior General Rome, Italy - Most recently serving as the General Councilor for the Lasallian Region of North America (RELAN), Br. Robert Schieler, FSC has just been [...]

Main Story

May 19th, 2014|

The Long Island-New England District has formed an organization known as the Familiares Scholarum Christianarum, or “Familiares” for short. They pledge to advance the mission of the Christian Brothers by deepening their own spirituality and [...]


May 19th, 2014|

Malagasy Republic Visits In August 1964, the president and his spouse of the Malagasy Republic (the island of Madagascar, off Africa) were guests of honor of the Christian Brothers at the Mont La Salle Novitiate [...]


May 19th, 2014|

Br. Leo New Provincial In mid June 1964, it was announced that Br. Bertrand Leo (Kirby) will be the new provincial for the New York District, and Br. August Raphael has been promoted to the [...]


May 19th, 2014|

St. Raymond's New Language Lab St. Raymond’s HS (Bronx) boasts a new $20,000 General Electric all-transistorized flip-top language lab, which is believed to be the first kind of in the NYC area. New York Newsletter, [...]


May 19th, 2014|

Obituaries Br. Alban Raymond (Terrio) died on June 27, 1964. Born in Massachusetts in 1891, he received the robe in the NYC area in 1907. New York Newsletter, October 1, 1964, p. 16 and info [...]


May 19th, 2014|

Pope Paul Remembered In the second week of May of 2014, Pope Francis announced that Pope Paul VI is to be beatified (that is, declared “Blessed”) on October 19 of this year. With all of [...]

Main Story

May 19th, 2014|

School’s out for summer! We don't know the school from which these boys are happily exiting, but it is very likely a Lasallian parish school somewhere in New York City in the late 1930s. The [...]


May 19th, 2014|

St. Louis Bros. to Direct Boys Town The director and founder of Boys Town in Nebraska, Msgr. Edward J. Flanagan, made a notable announcement: the Christian Brothers of the St. Louis District will undertake the [...]


May 19th, 2014|

St. John's New Name On June 26, 1939, St. John’s Industrial School in Toronto became known as St. John’s Training School. Annals of St. John’s Industrial School (Toronto/Uxbridge, ON), p. 177. Msgr. Josheph Farrell AFSC [...]


May 19th, 2014|

Obituaries Senator O'Connor Senator Frank P. O’Connor, a benefactor and great friend of the Christian Brothers in Ontario, died in August 1939.  In 1965, a Lasallian high school opened in the Wexford/Don Mills section of [...]


May 19th, 2014|

La Salle Military World Record La Salle Military Academy (Oakdale, Long Island) is determined to break their own world interscholastic record in the mile relay (3:19.3 minutes). The team reached this pinnacle at the recent [...]


May 19th, 2014|

Brother Leo the Great A true giant in the history of the Legacy New York District was Br. Leo the Great, who died on July 5, 1939. Here is a 3-page article which summarizes his [...]

Mock Trial Success – Freeport

May 17th, 2014|

Plaintiff's attorney, 7th grade student Manuel, deftly cross-examines the defense witness, while "Judge" Kareem Vessup looks on, at the St. John's University School of Law 2014 Catholic Middle School Mock Trial Program on May 17. Two Mock [...]

Sunday Gospel Reflection (05/18/14)

May 16th, 2014|

Gospel – John 14:1-12 Jesus said to his disciples: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me. In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places. [...]

David Palank Named Student of the Year

May 15th, 2014|

Mr. David Palank, principal of San Miguel School, Washington, DC, received his M. Ed. from Marymount University, Arlington, VA the weekend of May 17.  At a previous dinner during the week, David was honored as [...]

CBA Syracuse Sports Help Their Former Brother

May 8th, 2014|

Members of the Christian Brothers Academy baseball team, the girls lacrosse team and CBA alumni participated in the 1st Annual Patrick Wiese Foundation Fun Run, which was held Sunday, May 4 at Jamesville Park. Wiese [...]