Past News Articles
CBA Robotics Team is Tops
The Christian Brothers Academy Junior High Robotics Club won the “Robot Performance” award and the “Champion’s Award” at the First Lego League qualifier event at Mohawk Valley Community College on Nov. 2. “The Brothers [...]
Student Art Helps HOPE
Christian Brothers Academy - Syracuse Art Club students designed a birdbath to be raffled off at the 2013 Celebration of HOPE which was held at the OnCenter on Friday, Nov. 1. This is the second [...]
Br. Lawrence Goyette Named Regional Award Recipient
Founder of the San Miguel Educational model to receive the Br. John Johnston, FSC Award 11/1/13 - Providence, RI - As part of the closing Mass for the Rhode Island Lasallian Formation Day, Mr. Alan [...]
Rhode Island Lasallian Formation Day
Current Trends and Challenges for our Lasallian Family and Association" 11/1/13 - Providence, RI - Almost 30 Lasallian educators, faculty, child care workers, and clinicians gathered at La Salle Academy in Providence for the Rhode [...]
LSI Modified Soccer Undefeated
The La Salle Institute Modified Soccer team just completed an undefeated season at 11-0. Congratulations, to Head Coach Tom Phibbs and the young men who made this accomplishment possible.
Syracuse Seventh Graders Create Community Through Challenge
Christian Brothers Academy seventh graders took their classroom to the Syracuse University campus recently as they participated in a team building field trip to the brand new outdoor challenge course. CBA was the first non-SU [...]
Sunday Gospel Reflection 11/3/13
Gospel – Luke 19:1-10 At that time, Jesus came to Jericho and intended to pass through the town. Now a man there named Zacchaeus, who was a chief tax collector and also a wealthy man, [...]
RILAG’s Commissioning Service
Brother Charles Kitson, FSC, Auxiliary Visitor of DENA presided over the Commissioning The Rhode Island Lasallian Association Group members together commit themselves to the mission 10/30/11 - Providence, RI - On Wednesday evening, [...]
Lasallian Youth Host Halloween for RI Kids
On the evening of October 29th, eighteen students from Lasallian Youth threw a Halloween Party for the mothers and children at McAuley Village in South Providence. McAuley Village, run by the Sisters of Mercy, is [...]
Friar’s Coach Shares Personal Story of Success
Ocean Tides Students Learn Coach Ed Cooley's Struggles and Sacrifices to Reach His Goals Growing Up. Providence College Men’s Head Basketball Coach Ed Cooley came to Narragansett, RI to speak to the students of Ocean [...]
CHC Robotics Rank, Invited to State Championships
Five Robotics teams, under the direction of Mrs. Renie Brown and Mr. Steve Borror, competed in the Northwest Maryland VEX Robotics Competition at the Carroll County Agricultural Center on October 26th. All five made it [...]
Sunday Gospel Reflection 10/27/13
Gospel – Luke 18:9-14 Jesus addressed this parable to those who were convinced of their own righteousness and despised everyone else. "Two people went up to the temple area to pray; one was a Pharisee [...]
West Catholic’s Maguire Scholars
10/23/13 - Philadelphia, PA - West Catholic Prep was both honored and proud to have students chosen as Maguire Scholarship recipients. The Maguire Scholarship is given to students who demonstrate financial need, meet strict academic [...]
La Salle Students Make Strides
On Sunday, October 20th members from the LaSalle Institute hockey and soccer teams took time to give back to their community. Players and coaches (Mr. Tim Flanigan and Mr. Matt Michaud) participated in The [...]
Sunday Gospel Reflection 10/20/13
Gospel – Luke 18:1-8 Jesus told his disciples a parable about the necessity for them to pray always without becoming weary. He said, "There was a judge in a certain town who neither feared God [...]
CBA – Syracuse Students Receive AP Scholar Awards
Fifty-six Christian Brothers Academy students have earned AP scholar Awards in recognition of their exceptional achievement on Advanced Placement Exams. The College Board’s Advance Placement Program (AP) provides motivated and academically prepared students with [...]
Manhattan College Names New Vice President for Mission
Brother Jack Curran ’80, FSC, Ph.D., a longtime member of the Manhattan College community, and most recently, vice president for development at Bethlehem University in the Holy Land, returns to the College this month as [...]
Manhattan College To Host Engineering Awareness Day
Manhattan College invites high school juniors and seniors to attend its annual Engineering Awareness Day on Monday, Nov. 11 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Smith Auditorium and Leo Hall. The event is a [...]
The District’s Christmas Card Contest
The District will hold its fifth annual Christmas Card Art Contest, open to all high school (grades 9-12) students of Lasallian Schools in the District of Eastern North America, we’re looking for student art for [...]
The Distinguished Lasallian Educators of 2013
The District of Eastern North America is proud to present the 2013 Distinguished Lasallian Educators Each year, The Brothers of the Christian Schools of the Lasallian Region of North America recognize Lasallian Educators for their [...]
Distinguished Lasallian Educator Nominees for 2013
The District of Eastern North America congratulates and proudly recognizes all of the nominees for the 2013 Distinguished Lasallian Educator Award. Mr. Brian Barker Campus Minister / Theology Teacher De La Salle Collegiate High School [...]
LSA – Providence Principe and Rego Named NSAF Emerging Elite
Click here for the complete article.
Sunday Gospel Reflection 10/13/13
Gospel - Luke 17:11-19 As Jesus continued his journey to Jerusalem, he traveled through Samaria and Galilee. As he was entering a village, ten lepers met him. They stood at a distance from him and [...]
CBA – Syracuse Seniors Post Perfect ACT and SAT Scores
Four Christian Brothers Academy seniors recently posted perfect scores on the ACTs and SATs. Pictured front (l-r): Alessandra Carno 36 on the ACT Reading Test and 12 on the ACT essay; and Lauren DeLorenzo 800 [...]
Renovated Gym Celebration at The De La Salle School
“It’s shiny!” “It’s awesome!” “It’s so clean!” “It’s great!” Those were some of the reviews the gym received from students of The De La Salle School when its new look was unveiled earlier this month. [...]