Past News Articles
President of Ireland, Pilgrimage to Motherhouse President of Ireland, Pilgrimage to Motherhouse The July 1962 issue of the Institute Bulletin briefly described the pilgrimage to Rome (and to the Brothers' Generalate—that is, their [...]
Christian View of Today's Reality Lasallian Digest • Summer 1966 Most Christian Brothers in the United States over the age of 60 received the Robe during the month of September. This article has been chosen [...]
The Blood of Martyrs Lasallian Digest • Fall 1958 "The Blood of Martyrs", describing some of the Brother-martyrs of the Spanish Civil War (mid-1930s), was written by Brother Stephen Arthur of Napa, CA, nearly 25 [...]
Br Claudius William Kelly Claudius William (Kelly) Brother Claudius William (Kelly) of the LI-NE District died on March 2, 1962. His teaching tour of duty consisted of 20 years at De La Salle [...]
Brothers Celebrate 50 Years in Newburgh The Little Messenger of the Divine Child • December 1936 Here is the story of the Brothers' 50th anniversary at St. Patrick’s at Newburgh in New York’s Hudson Valley. [...]
The Builders — Brother Fidelis Cornelius Lasallian Digest • Winter 1958-1959 Our main story for "50 Years Ago" deals with the unfortunate auto accident which claimed the lives of three Christian Brothers in California in early 1962. [...]
Huether Named Principal in Pawtucket Huether Named Principal in Pawtucket In the Long Island-New District, Bro. Anthony Joseph (provincial) named Bro. Cosmas Francis (Heuther), principal of St. Raphael Academy in Pawtucket, as the [...]
Canisius College Honors Brothers Canisius College, the Jesuit institution in Buffalo, honored the Brothers of the Christian Schools when it bestowed an honorary degree to Brother Eliphus Victor, the Provincial of the New York District [...]
R.I.P. Brother Eliphus Victor Lasallian Digest • Spring 1962 Because the death of Brother Eliphus Victor (fifty years ago) had a national impact on all American Brothers, this necrology appeared. The Brothers of the legacy [...]
75 Years for La Salle College The Messenger of the Divine Child • Winter 1937 This article concerns the Diamond (75th) Jubilee of La Salle College in Philadelphia, celebrated in the 1937-1938 academic year. In [...]
Centennial of Benilde Lasallian Digest • Summer 1962 These two short articles about Blessed Brother Benilde (today, St. Benilde) appeared back-to-back. Each was written by a Christian Brother. At that time, it was the 100th [...]