Past News Articles

Jubilee Days and the Habit Taking

July 7th, 2013|

Over 1,400 combined years of lived service as Brothers take the next step in Vocation Brothers of the Christian Schools celebrate their Jubilarian milestones; Young Brother deepens his commitment to The Institute Summer 2013 – 26 Brothers [...]

CBA Students Post Perfect Scores on ACT / SATs

June 20th, 2013|

Jun 20, 2013 Pictured front row (l-r): Senior Clare Morris (Lafayette) Perfect 36 on her ACT Reading score junior Lauren DeLorenzo (Fayetteville) Perfect 36 on her ACT Science score. Back row (l-r): Junior Tim Pierret [...]

Manhattan College Funds 11 Research Grants

June 19th, 2013|

College launches Jasper Summer Research Scholars program and awards grants to 11 undergraduates conducting research with faculty members throughout the summer   6/19/2013 RIVERDALE, N.Y., June 19, 2013  – With student and faculty research on [...]

Brother Edward Davis, FSC

June 17th, 2013|

1929-2013 Words of Remembrance for Brother Edward Davis, FSC Mass of Christian Burial La Salle University Chapel, Philadelphia, PA July 12, 1213 Given by Brother Charles Gresh, FSC Thirteen days ago, Death, uninvited, stole from [...]

CBA Community remembers Lt. Col. Todd Clark

June 17th, 2013|

6/17/2013 By Andrew Beam - Troy Record LATHAM — Motorcycle engines roared and lights were flashing as a motorcade pulled in front of the Christian Brothers Academy on Monday for the coming home of the [...]

LSCHS Summer Service Project

June 12th, 2013|

Service Starts at Home 136 (50%) of La Salle College High School’s Rising Juniors Participate in Urban Immersion 6/25/13 — Many high school students will be on the beach relaxing this summer.  Others may travel [...]

Brother John Nolan, FSC 1925-2013

June 11th, 2013|

Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of Br. John Nolan, FSC Born John Joseph Nolan in Sayre, PA, on July 13, 1925 Entered the Barrytown, NY, Novitiate on November 30, 1950 Received [...]

Community Remembers Lt Col Todd Clark

June 10th, 2013|

Christian Brother Academy Graduate killed in action, remembered for a life of service 6/17/13 - Colonie, NY — Adapted from a stroy written by Andrew Beam for the Troy Record Motorcycle engines roared and lights [...]

Interim Calvert Hall President

June 8th, 2013|

6/13/13 - Towson, MD — Effective July 1, 2013, Mr. Frank P. Bramble, Sr. will assume the Office of the President of Calvert Hall College High School. Appointed by Br. Dennis Malloy, FSC, Provincial for [...]

20 Years for San Miguel

June 7th, 2013|

6/14/13 - Providence, RI - Adapted from an opinion piece written by Br. Lawrence Goyette, FSC and published in the Providence Journal Twenty years ago, a series of providential events led to the founding of [...]

New District of San Francisco New Orleans

June 6th, 2013|

Brothers Vote to Constitute New District (Jun-11-2013) By a unanimous vote, the Brothers of the Districts of New Orleans – Santa Fe and San Francisco have formally agreed to unite and create the new District of [...]

St. Raymond CHSAA Baseball Champs

June 5th, 2013|

June 10, 2013 - After a 7-0 win over Monsignor Farrell High School on Sunday at Fordham University's Houlihan Park, the St. Raymond High School for Boys Varsity Baseball Team brought the "AA" New York [...]

Brother Thomas McPhillips, FSC 1949-2013

June 4th, 2013|

Given by Br. Gerard Molyneaux, FSC and Br. Tom’s Niece, Kara McPhillips De Filippi Brother Gerard Molyneaux, FSC: In a few moments we will hear about Tom from those closest to him, his family.  But, [...]

La Salle Academy, Providence Dance Night

June 3rd, 2013|

On the evening of Tuesday, May 21st, forty members of Lasallian Youth attended the third annual “Senior Prom” at the Jeanne Jugan Nursing Home in Pawtucket, R.I. Students prepared a meal for the residents and [...]

Bethlehem University Celebrates Anniversaries

June 2nd, 2013|

De La Salle Day at Bethlehem University:  A Renewed Oath for the Future Bethlehem University held its 17th annual celebration of De La Salle Day, held every May 15 on the Feast of St. John [...]