Ammendale, MD – Three Brothers and fifteen former Brothers recently gathered for a weekend to celebrate the 60th anniversary of their novitiate year at Ammendale, MD. The weekend included a tour of La Salle University (greatly expanded since the scholasticate in the 60s) and lunch at Anselm Hall. Spouses accompanied seven of the former Brothers.
The class of 1958 had 45 novices. The accompanying photo shows class members who were able to attend Sunday Mass celebrated by a classmate, a priest in Baltimore. Current Brothers pictured are Patrick Carney, Stephen Casale, and Joseph Mahon. Brother Lawrence Dempsey, a DENA Brother also in the 1958 novitiate class, was unable to attend the reunion.
Where is Michael Ritucci from Maryland, Robert Walsh aka Bro. Guy Francis, Brother Vincent Leo, and many others? I guess after 62 years now some of them have gone to their eternal reward like Brother James Leo, and Rudolf Masintonio the Latin and Greek scholar . I am the brother who was the barber who with Brother Gerald cut all the novices hair at Ammendale from 57-58 and also for four years while in Elkins Park in the Scholasticate. Well after 62 years my memories have faded, but they were happy years for me. After that it was not so happy. Someone looked me up on the Internet I guess and sent me a letter for the reunion 2 years ago. I did not respond since I never live in the past and let by gones be by gones. Sincerely, Vincent Petrella aka Brother Vincent Leo from Maryland. God bless you all and pray for me also as I will pray for you.