Superiore Generale
Via Aurelia, 476 . C.P. 9099 (Aurelio)
00167 ROMA, Italia
Tel: +39/ 06 665 231 Fax: +39/ 06 663 8821

Rome, March 25, 2011

Dear Brother Visitors,
Dear Brothers, Lasallian Friends, Associates and Partners in the Educational Mission,

It is my pleasure to address to you this letter which constitutes the official announcement of the

Second International Assembly of the Lasallian Educational Mission

which will take place at the Mother House in Rome from May 5th to 19th, 2013, [1] with the theme:

Lasallians Associated for the Educational Service of the Poor

This 2nd Assembly is the direct and wished for continuation of the 1st International Assembly of 2006 and of the General Chapter of 2007. As in 2006, it will be made up of a third of Brothers and two-thirds of Lay Lasallians from the different Lasallian Regions.

So as to prepare for this Assembly and after discussions with the General Council, I appointed in February 2010, a Preparatory Commission for the Assembly. The latter, as with that of 2006, is formed from some members of our two International Councils – those for The Lasallian Educational Mission and The Lasallian Family and Association. Its members are:

  • Br. Jorge Fonseca, Coordinating Secretary of MEL (Rome/RELAL)
  • Ms. Carmelita Quebengco, Co-Secretary of MEL (PARC)
  • Mr. Steve Byrne of the MEL International Council (PARC)
  • Br. Manuel-Jesus Ceballos, of the MEL International Council (RELEM)
  • Br. Gustavo Ramirez, of the MEL International Council (RELAL)
  • Br. Charles Kitson, Coordinating Secretary of the Lasallian Family and Association (Rome/USA-T)
  • Ms. Montserrat Nieto Alvarez, Co-Secretary for Lasallian Family and Association (RELEM)
  • Mr. Vitalis Ndikum of the International Council for the Lasallian Family and Association (RELAF)
  • Mr. Greg Kopra, of the International Council for the Lasallian Family and Association (USA-T)
  • Br. Claude Reinhardt, General Councilor accompanying the Preparatory Commission.
  • Br. José Antolinez, Secretary General, member invited for logistics.

This Commission has met twice (October 25 – 27, 2010 and February 28 – March 2, 2011) and will soon write to you giving all the necessary explanations concerning the process to be followed up to the Assembly (number and choice of delegates, themes, preparation etc).

During its meeting on March 2nd 2011, the Preparatory Commission elected two of its Lay members to chair the Commission’s own work, the overall process engaged upon and the Assembly itself. They are:

  • Dr. Carmelita Quebengco, AFSC, from the District of the Philippines, and
  • Mr. Steve Byrne, of the District of Australia, NZ-PNG-P

I heartily congratulate them. With me, they will have the happiness of welcoming the delegates to our Assembly in May 2013.

One family, one mission!
Our next International Assembly ought to be from today a reason for joy and mobilization. Let us commit ourselves together and with enthusiasm to its active preparation, so that it will bear fruit in the ever more generous educational service of the young, especially the poor.

Signature of Brother Álvaro Rodríguez Echeverría, FSC

Brother Álvaro Rodríguez Echeverría, FSC
Superior General

[1] Cf. Circular 456 of February 18th 2008, Towards the Year 2014 p.41