UPDATE: Buffalo Lasallians and Educators working for change.
Good Morning,
My good friends at Buffalo Prep Patti Stephens and Marcus Deveso (Legacy Lasallian), will be hosting a Zoom meeting every month as a call to action against the injustices that have been embedded into our society against black and brown people. The goal of these meetings is to equip us with ways to effect change and bring about social justice. The first meeting is this Thursday, May 26, at 7pm. The link is below. Enough with thoughts and prayers, and while charity is great, it’s time for actual change and justice. I hope that you will join me. While the first few meetings will pertain mainly to Buffalo, the information will be relevant to other communities. That was the reason for including members of our association group.
Anthony Shilen
Science Faculty
Lasallian Animator
Swing Choir Moderator
St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute: Buffalo, New York