As one Lasallian family, let us continue to pray for peace in our world especially for the innocent victims of the violence at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. We pray for those who lost their lives, for those who are still recovering, and for their grieving families. May they find peace in God’s loving presence.

Let us also be mindful of our new Lasallian ministry at St. John Paul II Academy, only a few miles away from Parkland. The Academy has connections to the Stoneman Douglas High School community, and a Diocesan crisis team is being made available as needed. May they know the comfort of the larger Lasallian family, and that our prayers are with them too.

“In the end, the only response is to do good – for no matter what the darkness, it will never overcome the light.” -USCCB

Live Jesus in our Hearts… Forever.