Easter Sunday 2019

Dear Lasallian Family,

It is with profound sadness that the world received the news of the horrific acts of violence carried out against worshiping Christians and other innocent people on Easter Sunday morning in Sri Lanka.

May our entire DENA Lasallian family join together in prayer for all those who lost their lives, are injured or are suffering due to loss. We unite our prayers with those of Pope Francis, who prayed during his Easter Sunday Mass to “entrust those killed and injured to the Lord.” We unite our prayers with those of our Superior General, Brother Robert Schieler, FSC, as we continue to hear the news regarding the safety of our Lasallian family in Sri Lanka.

In the days ahead, may we recommit ourselves to the work of building God’s Kingdom as to ensure that all of God’s children are treated with love and dignity while their freedom to worship is respected. Our call to the Lasallian mission of education places a particular responsibility upon us to ensure that our ministries are places of welcome and safety for all. Let us pause, in this moment of sorrow, to consider how we may continue to create opportunities for dialogue and understanding of one another.

May the hope of the Resurrection that we celebrate today be the zeal that inspires our prayer and actions!

Live Jesus in our hearts, forever!



Brother Dennis Lee

News from the Generalate – Rome

Dear Brothers and friends,

We are still in shock and sorrow over the tragedy on the Easter Sunday. It is difficult to digest the brutality of recent attacks on innocent people on a day like the Lord’s resurrection. Reflecting over more than 300 deaths of precious lives of the innocents and more than 500 injured victims is very heart breaking. What consoles me is that Easter is a time for hope and allows me to live with hope in spite of horrible terrorist attacks… MORE >