Message to the Brothers on the 300th Anniversary of the Death of St. John Baptist de La Salle

7 April 2019

Brother Robert Schieler, FSC, Brother Superior

A Message from Brother Robert Schieler, FSC

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Br. Robert, Superior General, invites you to quiet, contemplative consideration of your commitment to the Lasallian mission…pause and reflect on our associationfor a human and Christian education, especially for the poor!


The Lasallian mission embodies the unique vision and innovative spirit of Saint John Baptist de La Salle, Patron Saint of All Teachers and Founder of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, a group of lay religious men dedicated exclusively to education.


In 2019–300 years after Saint La Salle’s entry into eternal life–his mission to provide a human and Christian education, especially the poor, remains strong with the Brothers and Lasallian Partners serving more than one million young people in 1,000 ministries in 80 countries. Lasallian education centers on Catholic values and personal relationships, emphasizing academic excellence, faith formation, inclusion, respect for the individual, service and social justice.

What Can I Do to Celebrate the Year?

Add the Important 300th Year Dates to Your Calendar

Learn more about Saint John Baptist de La Salle and his mission

Download and share 300th Year Resources

300th Year Celebration Dates

Download full graphic calendar from the Institute


June: Lasallian Reflection #4 (2018-2019)
Our Hearts Are Burning Within Us
Sharing of Opening Liturgy Resources with Districts

September: De La Salle Bio
Publication of popular biography of St. John Baptist de La Salle

November: CIL Session
Youth Ministry & Vocation Ministry; Nairobi, Kenya
+ Pastoral Ministry of Vocation meeting; Nairobi, Kenya

December: The Feast of Christ the King (Advent)
Opening commemorations
Opening liturgies


January 22: Lasallian Gathering at World Youth Day
Lasallians from around the world will gather at La Salle School in Panama City.

March 14-16: World Congress of Lasallian Education
Themed “Lasallian Education for the 21st Century,” the World Congress of Lasallian Education will take place at Universidad La Salle in Mexico City and will help inform the development of the Declaration of Lasallian Pedagogy.

November 24: Closing
The Year of Lasallian Vocations closes November 24, 2019.
Lasallians are encouraged to plan a prayer service for that day.

Solemn Masses

April 7  Rouen, France, the date and location of De La Salle’s passing

April 30  Reims, France, the date and location of De La Salle’s birth

May 15  Rome, Italy, Founder’s Day, when De La Salle was proclaimed patron saint of teachers, where the Generalate is today

Additional Resources

Prayer Service 1 Year of Lasallian Vocations Celebrate

Year of Lasallian Vocations Prayer Service Two

Year of Lasallian Vocations Prayer Service

2019 Jubilee Year Decreed

Pope Francis Decrees 2019 the Jubilee Year in honor of Saint John Baptist de La Salle. Read the full letter here >

Watch This: Introduction from Superior General

300 La Salle Music Video

One Heart, One Commitment, One Life

by Jorge Roig – Antoni Bosh

Download refrain
Download full lyrics

300 Year RELAN Committee

Meet the 300th Year Regional Committee

Chris Swain (Chair, Christian Brothers Conference)

Sarah Laitinen (Christian Brothers Conference)

Brother James Joost (San Francisco New Orleans District)

Denis De Villers (Francophone Canada)

Brother Michael Fehrenbach (Midwest District)

Maryann Donohue-Lynch (District of Eastern North America)

Mark Freund (Christian Brothers Conference)