A Message from Maryann Donohue-Lynch
DENA Twinning Coordinator

Greetings DENA Lasallians,

Since March of 2020, the global coronavirus pandemic has presented challenges that few could have imagined. This is especially true for our brothers and sisters in developing nations.

On behalf of the RELAN Twinning program, I offer our deep gratitude for the way that many of you have responded to the needs of your twin school during these most unique times. The emergence of the Covid virus had a significant impact on the educational system in the LWANGA schools, such as in Kenya where the government had to change the timing of the traditional school year, or in Eritrea where the government moved forward with the nationalization of the Brothers’ schools.

As Lasallians, we embrace our heritage that education happens within the context of community. The classroom is viewed as a place of salvation, and the relationships that are formed there represent the essence of who we are as Lasallian educators. Due to the pandemic, traditional ways of providing education were upended. Across the Lasallian world, educators responded with innovative practices and inspiring personal commitments to their students and their families.

The reality is that Covid variants are still impacting our global educational systems–but Lasallians are people of hope and will continue to provide an education to the best of our ability to the young people that God has entrusted to our care.

Despite the challenges, the Twinning relationships have remained strong. Brother Visitor for Lwanga Ghebreyesus Habte, FSC, and General Councilor for RELAN Brother Timothy Coldwell, FSC, have chosen the theme of Dreaming Together for the Future for the 2021-2022 academic year. Please view their welcome video here.

For this Lenten season, new resources have been developed. Of particular note are the updates from each LWANGA ministry regarding how the coronavirus has affected their educational community. Also new is the opportunity to donate directly to a Lwanga ministry through Christian Brothers Conference–this can be found on the individual Lwanga ministry page.

To our DENA-based Twinning coordinators, thank you, for your continued commitment and efforts on behalf of our sisters and brothers of the Lwanga District. We continue to pray for the day when the pandemic is controlled and we can once again be fully in one another’s presence.


Maryann Donohue-Lynch
Associate Executive Director
Office for Mission and Ministry


There are nearly 15 Twinning ministries supported by Lasallian schools throughout the United States. For many of our DENA ministries, Lent has been the traditional time to raise funds for the RELAN-LWANGA Twinning — and this year it remains the same but the traditional ways of conducting those fundraising efforts are for the most part not available this year. Therefore, it is with gratitude for your forthcoming efforts that we offer updated resources to assist you.

Mount La Salle College Naka

The Impact

When school abruptly closed, Mount La Salle gave food on hand to support staff. The Brothers’ community is relying on the Sector office for upkeep since school fees are not being paid. Since Naka is an agrarian town, many people who would ordinarily work in an office have taken to farming for survival. The school community has cultivated maize, beans and cassava. The Brothers have spent more time on crops and animals.

Looking Ahead

Schools are required to implement preventative measures, such as social distancing, regular hand washing, face masks/shields, temperature checks and more. The school has adjusted furniture to promote social distancing. “…the administrative team of the school has agreed to enforce the preventive measures that are within our reach, and leave the rest to God,” Brother Godwin said.

“Though it seems distance has kept us apart, united in one heart and mind in prayer at this difficult time, God’s life-giving spirit sustains and unites us as one Lasallian family.” Brother Godwin Biin, FSC, Principal

Child Discovery Center Nakuru

The Impact

Children who live at Child Discovery Center (CDC) have been placed with foster families. The center has suspended projects, reduced staff salaries and will possibly limit the numbers of students it can serve when it reopens.

Looking Ahead

90% of children at CDC attend government institutions, so their return to school is doubtful because most government schools are not meeting standards to prepare for reopening. The biggest challenge for CDC will continue to be finances.

“Thank you for your relentlessness support of CDC. Surely, for so many children, going to school would just be a dream. But your donations have allowed us to educate students, who went on to get jobs and have families. Therefore, in the same spirit of solidarity, let’s continue to support very needy African children.” Brother Paul Anderson, FSC, Principal

St. La Salle Karemeno

The Impact

The lockdown has been lifted but a curfew is in place from 9:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. Most of the students are suffering due to a lack of basic needs. St. La Salle School has not been able to pay the teachers and staff since school closed. The Brothers are struggling to keep afloat as a community.

Looking Ahead

Students will remain in their current grades when schools reopen. St. La Salle has been sending assignments to students to do at home. The school’s biggest challenge for reopening will be lacking resources needed to prepare. Many private schools have closed down permanently. “We hope and pray our school will not be part of this statistic come next year,” wrote Brother Stephen.

“To our twinned ministries, we believe God has a purpose for everything and he knows better why he brought us together…As you start your new semester, remember and pray for our students who won’t be able to see the door of the classroom until next year. We pray your semester to be successful and any support to our school to be able to keep afloat will be highly welcomed.” Brother Stephen Mwaura, FSC, Principal


Twinning Prayer for Lent

Prayer for God’s Protection Against COVID-19

Lord God, as we witness the spread of COVID-19 across nations of the world, we lift our hearts to you in supplication for our Lasallian friends and colleagues all over the world, especially our Lasallian brothers and sisters in the twinning programme in Toronto and the USA. Lord, forgive us where we have erred and grant us your protection. May your healing reach out to the victims of this pandemic, and your grace to those affected in one way or the other. As we wait in fear and anxiety as the pandemic approaches our environment, we beg you to keep us safe. We make this prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son. Amen. Saint John Baptist de La Salle… Pray for us. Live Jesus in our hearts… Forever.

Superior General’s Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, in your mercy and compassion look kindly upon us. Bless our nurses, doctors, researchers and all healthcare personnel with courage and strength as they continue to care for our sick sisters and brothers.

May your Holy Spirit inspire in all Lasallians a sense of social responsibility and guide us to follow the directives of medical experts and governments so that together we can ensure the wellbeing of all, especially of those who are poor and have limited or no access to healthcare.

Grant to each of us, Lord, the eyes to see our relatives, neighbors and friends who are alone, who have lost loved ones or who need a good Samaritan to do their shopping or assist with other basic needs. Give us a compassionate heart that moves us to generously respond to those in distress.

Lord Jesus Christ, in your mercy and compassion look kindly upon all members of the Lasallian Family.

Bless all of us with peace and good health. May the angels lead those who have died into paradise. Amen