school-logo-manhattan-collegeRiverdale, NYPurposeful Networks, formerly known as myActions, announced that Manhattan College was one of 125 schools to receive a Student Action Award for the 2015 spring semester. The award honors undergraduate schools for demonstrated student leadership, momentum and engagement in activities that positively impact our communities and our planet.

“The power of student leaders to build community and inspire action for causes and programs they support is tremendous. We are proud to spotlight the individual and collective impact of undergraduate students across the country,” says Kristine Sturgeon, president of Purposeful Networks. “From encouraging positive everyday activities like donating blood or volunteering to organizing campuswide events and fundraisers, our next-generation leaders are making a measurable impact.”

Delaney Higgins ’17, a mathematics major, established Manhattan College’s connection with Purposeful Networks after interning there during the 2014 fall semester. Higgins is also a member of the College’s Center for Urban Resilience and Environmental Sustainability (CURES).

Along with several campus groups, CURES is co-sponsoring Sustainable September, a series of events designed to increase awareness and encourage action on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) across the campus community. Sustainable September is one of many renewal projects led by student groups, including the expansion of the College’s rooftop garden and recycling areas in residence halls.