At right, our DENA Brother Robert Schaefer, with Brother Timothy Caldwell, and a Brother from (RELAL) during social after the first day’s proceedings.
The delegates to the 45th General Chapter in the Lasallian Regions of North America (RELAN) and Latin America (RELAL) will hold a pre-Chapter meeting on January 14 – 18, 2014 in Brazil. The meeting is an opportunity for the delegates to know one another better and to become more knowledgeable about the issues that will concern the Chapter as a whole including the election of the next Superior General.
“It is customary for groups of delegates to come together to discuss some of the main issues that are planned or should be a part of the upcoming Chapter,” said Brother Robert Schieler, General Councilor for RELAN. “It is particularly valuable to meet this year because at the Chapter we will elect a new Superior General. We need to discuss what kind of leadership the Institute needs at this time in our history.”