
Current Trends and Challenges for our Lasallian Family and Association”

11/1/13 – Providence, RI – Almost 30 Lasallian educators, faculty, child care workers, and clinicians gathered at La Salle Academy in Providence for the Rhode Island Lasallian Formation Day. This professional and spiritual development workshop provided an opportunity for Lasallian commraderie and education for the staff of all five Rhode Island ministries; La Salle Academy (Providence), San Miguel School (Providence), St. Raphael Academy (Pawtucket), Tides Family Services (West Warwick), and Ocean Tides School and the Christian Brothers Center (Narragansett).

DSC_7046The morning began with a welcome by La Salle Academy’s President, Br. Thomas Gerrow, FSC, followed by moving prayer service led by Br. Frederick Mueller, FSC, and three students from La Salle Academy’s cast of Jesus Christ Superstar. Keynote speaker, and Auxiliary Visitor for The District of Eastern North America (DENA), Br. Charles Kitson, FSC, focused the day on the “Current Trends and Challenges for our Lasallian Family and Association,” with his engaging, entertaining, and educational presentation. An unofficial homecoming of sorts, Kitson referred to his experiences as Brother and educator, predominately in Rhode Island, having taught and ministered at all five of Rhode Island’s Lasallian ministries.

Reflecting on his most recent experiences of Lasallian association through his previous position as the Secretary for the Lasallian Family for the Brothers’ Generlate in Rome, Kitson gave participants a glimpse into the Lasallian global community and how Brothers and Partners associate for the educational mission.

The large group of 300 would later disperse throughout the campus in smaller discussion groups pondering the following  questions, before reconvening for a Feast of All Saints Mass, and a special announcement from Mr. Alan Weyland, Executive Director for the Office of Mission and Ministry for DENA.

  1. What gives me the most hope after listening to Br. Charles?
  2. What challenges me the most after this presentations?
  3. What does it mean for me to belong to the Lasallian community? What are the aspects that give me a sense of belonging?

A special thanks to the members of the Planning Committee that made the day possible:

  • Ms. Allison Amodie
  • Ms. Bridget Taylor
  • Mr. Drew Diko
  • Mr. Brian Sullivan
  • Ms. Marianne Allen
  • Ms. Amy Kalina
  • Ms. Maggie Naughton
  • Br. Frederick Mueller, FSC
  • Ms. Heather Ferro
  • Ms. Sophia Cartagena
  • Mr. Cesar Perez
  • Br. Lawrence Goyette, FSC
  • Br. Thomas Gerrow, FSC, and the members of the La Salle Academy Community