111914 La Salle StudentsOn Monday afternoon, 17 November, Junior Lasallian Youth from The San Miguel School and Lasallian Youth from Saint Raphael Academy and La Salle Academy gathered at La Salle Academy, Providence.

Once a month, under the leadership of Young Lasallians from San Miguel, St. Raphael Academy and La Salle Academy, Lasallian Youth gather together to have an experience of Lasallian association.  This month the group gathered at La Salle to work on a common Thanksgiving project–sharing the things for which they are grateful.  Margaret Naughton, a Campus Minister at La Salle and one of the three Young Lasallian leaders, noted that she was most grateful for the students gathered together.

111914Whole Group

This on-going association gathering of the three schools is part of an initiative of Young Lasallians of RI to find ways to gather together in meaningful ways.