“Go forth, ambassadors of Christ: Live and preach the good news of salvation—Go out and win the hearts of those God entrusts to your care.”

During the Prayer Service members of RILAG committed themselves to the Mission of RILAG for this academic year.

During the Prayer Service members of RILAG committed themselves to the Mission of RILAG for this academic year.


10/25/11 – Providence, RI – On Tuesday, 30 Lasallians from the five ministries in Rhode Island (La Salle Academy, Ocean Tides, Saint Raphael Academy, San Miguel School and Tides Family Services) gathered at the Brothers’ Residence of La Salle Academy for the annual Rhode Island Lasallian Association Group (RILAG) Commitment and Commissioning Ceremony.

During the Prayer Service, Br. James Martino, Director of Administration for the District of Eastern North America, reflected on the meaning of Lasallian Association and members of RILAG committed themselves to the Mission of RILAG for this academic year. They were also commissioned by the District in the person of Br. James to “Go forth, ambassadors of Christ: Live and preach the good news of salvation—Go out and win the hearts of those God entrusts to your care.”

Following the Commitment and Commissioning Ceremony the members of RILAG enjoyed a catered meal through the generosity of La Salle Academy and the Brothers’ Community at La Salle. Members also received a book mark memento of the occasion designed by Brother Lawrence Goyette, a member of the group.

RILAG meets six times a year in the various ministry sites for activities revolving about the key Lasallian themes of faith, service, and community. In addition, this year RILAG members are meeting with Brother Superior General during his visit to the area.

The Mission of RILAG is: “Inspired by the charism of our Founder, Saint John Baptist de La Salle, and called by the Spirit of God, RILAG is an Association of Lasallians in RI. RILAG provides opportunities for community, prayer, and service. All who desire a deeper experience of the charism and mission of the Lasallian Institute are welcome and are invited to participate.” The current membership of RILAG includes Lasallian Volunteers, spouses of men and women engaged in the ministries, alums, Brothers, and lay Lasallians.