Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony visit with students at San Miguel School .

Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony talk with the students of San Miguel School, Washington, DC.

Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony talk with the students of San Miguel School, Washington, DC.

“I think it was a great honor to have two celebrities come to talkabout our education,” said Jivier Ruiz, 6th Grade.

Br. Thomas Gerrow, FSC, President of San Miguel, says the couple came because they were interested to see a program that focuses on Latino children.

“Latino males are the lowest graduation rate in the country. And our successes so far have been superb in order to overcome those issues,” Gerrow said.

The couple toured classrooms. Lopez even offered to help one student with his report on Selena.

The message to students: stay in school.

“I literally got a sense when I was walking in that I was looking at the future leaders of this country,” said Anthony.

And as the celebrity couple left, the students were the ones who felt like superstars.

“I should stay in school and do the best I can until I graduate and get a degree,” said Carlos Grgueta, 6th grade.

The celebrity couple was in town to preform for President and First Lady Obama at the White House.

Adapted from article written by Lindsey Mastis
Washington, DC