Photos courtesy of La Salle Academy, Providence, Rhode Island
Brother Steven James Barbaro FSC for his Rite of Perpetual Profession of Vows and Brother Joshua William Bashore on his Reception to the Postulancy & First Promises
Honoring Dedication to Faith and Service 🙏✨
Sunday, we came together to celebrate Brother Steven James Barbaro FSC. for his Rite of Perpetual Profession of Vows—an extraordinary moment that signifies his lifelong commitment to the Christian Brothers and our cherished La Sallian community. 🙌❤️ In addition, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to Brother Joshua William Bashore on his Reception to the Postulancy & First Promises. 🎓👏
📸 Check out the full album on Flickr here: https://www.flickr.com/…/19735…/albums/72177720311276565
#Lasalleacademy #Entertolearn #leavetoserve #MilestoneAchievement #ServiceAndFaith