A Classbook Begins at Loughlin

A new journalistic venture in the form of a “classbook” has been started at Bishop Loughlin HS (Brooklyn). The book is The Loughlinite and is the work of the Class of January 1938.

The Messenger of the Divine Child, Spring 1938, p. 54.

Scranton Days of Religious Services

Rev. John S. McGuire (CM) conducted a vocational triduum (three days of religious services) for the students of St. Thomas College in Scranton, February 24-26.

The Messenger of the Divine Child, Spring 1938, p. 54.

La Salle Military Drill Hall and Gym

During the last week of February, ground was broken for the new gymnasium to be used as the drill hall and gymnasium at La Salle Military Academy in Oakdale (Long Island). It is to be 130 by 80 feet in size and is expected to be completed in June.

The Messenger of the Divine Child, Spring 1938, p. 55.