7 Receive New York State Scholarships

Seven recent graduates of Lasallian high schools in the state of New York successfully competed for university scholarships awarded by the University of the State of New York.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Barrytown), September 1937, p. 4.

Assistant Superior Visits St. John’s

On June 3, 1937, Brother Romuald, assistant Superior General, paid his first visit to St. John’s Industrial School (Toronto) since his election to that position.

Annals of St. John’s Industrial School, p. 168.

Bishop Dedicates Troy Property


Bishop Dedicates Troy Property

June 3 was a big day for the Christian Brothers in Troy (NY). That was when the fine new property acquired by the Brothers was dedicated by Bishop Edmund Gibbons of Albany. Services were held in St. Augustine’s Church, followed by an academic procession of nearly 50 Brothers in cap and gown, city officials, church officials, and the combined cadet corps of CBA (Albany) and La Salle Institute (Troy)—nearly 1,000 cadets combined. The new property will be known as “Notre Dame Hall” and will be run as an annex to the main building which the Brothers have conducted since 1850. The new property is at the corner of 116th St. and 7th Ave., covering ten acres.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Barrytown), September 1937, pp. 13-14.

Manhattan College Hosts Science Round Table

The New York chapter of the Catholic round table of science held its fifth semi-annual meeting recently at Manhattan College. Brother Patrick (president, Manhattan College) welcomed the 60 scientists and entertained them at a luncheon.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Ammendale), June 1937, p. 57.

Oaklands Picnic Held in the Rain

The annual De La Salle “Oaklands” (Toronto) picnic at Point Dalhousie was held on June 3. Despite the rain and coolness, the attendance was rather good.

Annals of the Brothers in the Toronto Area, pp. 185-186.


La Salle College Commencement Includes 15 Young Brothers

La Salle College Commencement Includes 15 Young Brothers

La Salle College Commencement Includes 15 Young Brothers

June 10 was commencement day at La Salle College. Presiding was Bishop James P. McCloskey, Bishop of Jaro (Philippines), almost exactly fifty years after his graduation from La Salle (1887). Receiving honorary degrees were Rev. Francis. Walsh (OSB), a philosophy professor at Catholic University, and Ralph J. Schoettle (Class of 1898), president of Boys’ Pals of Philadelphia, Inc. Among the graduates were fifteen young Christian Brothers who were slated to receive bachelor’s degrees with special credits in education.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Ammendale), June 1937, p. 56.

Endowment for St. Thomas in Scranton Urgently Needed

Brother Denis Edward (president of St. Thomas College, Scranton) has made an urgent appeal for an endowment to secure the future of their school. He vocalized this need at a recent assembly there of some 1,000 former students who pledged their support.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Ammendale), June 1937, p. 56.

Annual Parade in Toronto

95 boys, 8 Brothers, and 4 lay colleagues represented St. John’s Industrial School (Toronto) at the annual Holy Name parade at De La Salle “Oaklands” (Toronto) on June 13.

Annals of St. John’s Industrial School (Toronto), p. 169.

Summer Program Starts with Danish Drill

The summer program at St. John’s Industrial School (Toronto) started on July 12, with “Danish drill” (likely a special exercise), singing, harmonica, playing, dumbbells (weights), etc. There are 112 boys in the school.

Annals of St. John’s Industrial School (Toronto), p. 169.

Boys Head to Maple Leaf’s Game

The first Monday of August in most Canadian provinces is “August Civic Holiday.” On August 2, the boys of St. John’s Industrial School (Toronto) were treated to a baseball doubleheader (minor league) at Maple Leaf Stadium; Toronto lost both games to Syracuse.

Annals of St. John’s Industrial School (Toronto), p. 169.